Friday, April 18, 2014

How can Harry Reid obtain an LDS Temple Recommend?

Recently, a list was compiled of the top 5 most evil men of all time. The list includes the entire history of the world and consequently contains the name of Cain. Cain committed the first murder in recorded history of the planet. While he committed only one murder, as opposed to serial killers that did not make the list, history indicates that his entire posterity was cursed.

Hitler never made the list.

Harry Reid did though.

So Harry Reid is arguably among the top 5 most evil people in all of humanity. Every American knows that he is a liar. It is no secret that he is hungry for power and uses his power illegally to cause much harm on people. Confiscating and killing hundreds of cattle that belonged to a private citizen in Nevada in an effort to steal the land he wanted for a solar farm is a recent example. Being a democrat, Harry's primary agenda is the removal of rights from average citizens in order to bolster the authority of the ruling elite. His personal mantra, like that of the democrats, is identical in nature to that of Lucifer, which earned him the title of The Evil One. Only the most unaware idiot would consider Reid as a man of integrity. Millions of people that have never met Harry Reid, base their opinions of him as a liar, cheat, and dirty politician, on the thousands of newspaper, radio, and television stories describing his illegal and immoral acts.

Ask any stranger on the street if Harry Reid more resembles Jesus Christ or Lucifer and Lucifer wins it hands down.

Now, some may think that while Harry Reid is a lying, power hungry, immoral, double dealing, low life, law breaking, mafiosi type, the top 5 list is a bit harsh. No one denies that he is a prick and crooked. Common knowledge.Remember his lie about Mitt Romney not paying taxes for 10 years?  A clear and blatant lie told on national TV.

How is it that Harry Reid has a Temple Recommend from the LDS Church? People that do any of the following things can be denied access to an LDS Temple:
  • Breaking any commandment
  • be involved in criminal activity
  • speaking harshly of one's companion
  • smoking or drinking alcohol
  • committing an immoral act
  • gambling (even when legal)
  • obtaining money under false pretenses

In order to get a Temple Recommend, a member must answer specific questions regarding his/her integrity, moral standing, honesty, etc. Of course, a person can give false statements stating that he/she is an outstanding member of the community with no sins, but that is lying and bearing false witness is specifically not allowed.

Most people that are at least a teenager, know that Harry Reid is a liar. It is impossible to think Harry Reid is a good person unless you never read a newspaper, listen to the radio, watch TV, participate in social media, and basically live under a rock. How is it that the Mormon Church does not know?



1 comment:

  1. I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and I know when you are interviewed by your bishop and stake president regarding your temple recommend you are asked paraphrasing if you are just to your fellow man and I know that Harry Reid is not. Look what he has said about Romney during the election that Romney does not pay taxes and hasn't for 10 years it was a big issue then later after the election it came out that Romney has paid taxes so Harry lied and got away with it and still got a temple recommend. This is wrong is so many ways it is one of many issues I have with this church. Is it because he has so influence and money that they let it slide? If I were to go in and say I drink coffee they would not give me a temple recommend but Harry can lie and it is out there everyone knows and yet he would get one. Unbelievable.
