Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Will Harry Reid attempt to destroy the Mormon Church or will the Prophet “see” the need to excommunicate Reid?

Everyone knows that Harry Reid is a liar. In fact, he is one of the biggest liars of all time. The proven lie that he told in order to keep Mitt Romney from becoming President of the United States is just a small and very recent example. It is far easier to find people that know Harry Reid is a liar than to find people that know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true.

It wasn't very long ago when the First Presidency of the LDS Church excommunicated Paul H. Dunn, who was an Apostle in the church. He was excommunicated for lying. Paul Dunn was not nearly the liar that Harry Reid is, however. Paul H. Dunn stretched the truth in order to build the testimonies of members of the church. Paul H. Dunn would tell stories of miraculous events which never actually happened. Generally, however, there was a thread of truth somewhere in his stories. On the other hand, there is no truth whatsoever in Harry Reid's lies. Bearing false witness is one of the Ten Commandments. Most if not all people including Mormons tell lies. Telling a lie doesn't generally get one excommunicated from the church. If it did, there wouldn't be any members. What was different about the lies that Paul H. Dunn got caught telling, is that it embarrassed the church. Here was one of the Twelve Apostles caught telling lies that were not mere mistakes, but outright lies.

Harry Reid is becoming a major embarrassment to the church as well. He has been caught lying thousands of times. But lying is only a small fraction of Harry Reid's excommunicatable sins. He takes great pride in proclaiming his “worthiness” to attend the LDS Temple. Mormons consider their Temples to be Houses of the Lord. Temple worship is reserved for members that answer very specific questions about their personal testimony as well as their relationship with their spouse and their fellow man. They can not smoke or drink alcohol or cheat a customer or taxpayer. Members have been refused Temple access for something as minor as making a truthful statement about their spouse that is not favorable.

Lying aside, Harry Reid is personally responsible for the murder of over 50 million unborn children. While he did not actually perform the abortion where a tube was inserted into the birth canal to vacuum the brains out of a living child in order to prevent live birth, he was certainly instrumental in the legislation that made this a daily event.

Just in the last few days we have witnessed how Harry Reid used Federal Officers, snipers, FBI, and others to attempt to confiscate private land from a citizen.

When looking over the details of how Harry Reid got to be so wealthy, it is obvious that honesty is not a trait he is familiar with.

It is no secret that Harry Reid is an evil liar and a despicable human being with no scruples. There are two people that interview every single person that is allowed to attend a Mormon Temple. One is his Bishop who knows him personally and the other is his Stake President who knows him at least casually. In Harry Reid's case, he has obviously lied to both of his interviewers. He may have bribed them or otherwise paid them to falsify the documents necessary to receive a Temple Recommend. Since it is common knowledge that Harry Reid is not of sound character, it begs to question the worthiness of his Bishop and Stake President.

Normally, the Church Authorities are not personally involved in determining the worthiness of any given member. That authority is delegated to the Bishop and Stake President. In Harry Reid's case, where it is so blatantly obvious that he is not worthy to attend the temple, one must review the worthiness of the people responsible for keeping bums like him out of the temples.

Since everyone knows for a fact that Harry Reid is a liar, murderer, racketeer, and otherwise an evil man, the church either has to proclaim that he is worthy or pull his Temple Recommend. If the church declares that Harry Reid is worthy and that all liars, devil worshipers, racketeers, and other commandment breakers are welcome to attend the temples, then the temples are no longer Houses of the Lord, but homosexual lairs of inequity and dens of sin.

As more and more people become aware, the church will either have to take a stand, one way or the other, or continue to pretend that nothing is amiss.

1 comment:

  1. I wrote Reid's only biography, Harry: Money Mob and Influence. He is tied to numerous mafia and porn lawyers here in Nevada. A good friend who was his campaign manager picked up bags of cash from pimp Joe Conforte at the Mustang Ranch. See more at me website www dot futurnamics dot com / reid.php Contact me on Twitter @daxtonbrown
