Monday, December 17, 2012

11 Secret Documents Americans Deserve to See

Many documents produced by the U.S. government are confidential and not released to the public for legitimate reasons of national security.  Others, however, are kept secret for more questionable reasons.  The fact that presidents and other government officials have the power to deem materials classified provides them with an opportunity to use national security as an excuse to suppress documents and reports that would reveal embarrassing or illegal activities.

I’ve been collecting the stories of unreleased documents for several years. Now I have chosen 11 examples that were created—and buried—by both Democratic and Republican administrations and which cover assassinations, spying, torture, 50-year-old historical events, presidential directives with classified titles and…trade negotiations.

1. Obama Memo Allowing the Assassination of U.S. Citizens      
When the administration of George W. Bush was confronted with cases of Americans fighting against their own country, it responded in a variety of ways. John Walker Lindh, captured while fighting with the Taliban in December 2001, was indicted by a federal grand jury and sentenced to 20 years in prison. José Padilla was arrested in Chicago in May 2002 and held as an “enemy combatant” until 2006 when he was transferred to civilian authority and, in August 2007, sentenced to 17 years in prison for conspiring to support terrorism. Adam Gadahn, who has made propaganda videos for al-Qaeda, was indicted for treason in 2006 and remains at large.

After he took over the presidency, Barack Obama did away with such traditional legal niceties and decided to just kill some Americans who would previously have been accused of treason or terrorism. His victims have included three American citizens killed in Yemen in 2011 by missiles fired from drones: U.S.-born anti-American cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, Samir Khan, an al-Qaeda propagandist from North Carolina, and Awlaki’s 16-year-old son, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki.

Obama justified his breach of U.S. and international law with a 50-page memorandum prepared by the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel.  Attorney General Eric Holder argued that the killing of Awlaki was legal because he was a wartime enemy and he could not be captured, but the legal justification for this argument is impossible to confirm because the Obama administration has refused to release the memo.

2. The Obama Interpretation of Section 215 of the Patriot Act
Section 215 of the Patriot Act allows the FBI, in pursuit of spies and terrorists, to order any person or entity to turn over “any tangible things” without having to justify its demands by demonstrating probable cause. For example, a library can be forced to reveal who borrowed a book or visited a web site. According to Section 215, the library is prohibited from telling anyone what it has turned over to the FBI.

The Obama administration has created a secret interpretation of Section 215 that goes beyond the direct wording of the law to include other information that can be collected. Democratic Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon, who, as a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, was briefed about this secret interpretation, urged the president to make it public. “I want to deliver a warning this afternoon,” he said. “When the American people find out how their government has secretly interpreted the Patriot Act, they will be stunned and they will be angry.”

Wyden and Sen. Mark Udall of Colorado, also a Democrat, have implied that the Obama administration has expanded the use of Section 215 to activities other than espionage and terrorism. In a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, Wyden and Udall wrote that “there is now a significant gap between what most Americans think the law allows and what the government secretly claims the law allows. This is a problem, because it is impossible to have an informed public debate about what the law should say when the public doesn’t know what its government thinks the law says.”

3. 30-page Summary of 9/11 Commission Interview with Bush and Cheney
You would have thought that, in the interests of the nation, the Bush administration would have demanded a thorough investigation of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the deadliest assault ever on U.S. soil. Instead, they fought tooth and nail against an independent investigation. Public pressure finally forced President George W. Bush to appoint a bipartisan commission that came to be known as the 9/11 Commission.  It was eventually given a budget of $15 million…compared to the $39 million spent on the Monica Lewinsky/Bill Clinton investigation. When the commission completed its work in August 2004, the commissioners turned over all their records to the National Archives with the stipulation that the material was to be released to the public starting on January 2, 2009. However, most of the material remains classified. Among the more tantalizing still-secret documents are daily briefings given to President Bush that reportedly described increasingly worried warnings of a possible attack by operatives of Osama bin Laden.

Another secret document that the American people deserve to see is the 30-page summary of the interview of President Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney conducted by all ten commissioners on April 29, 2004.  Bush and Cheney refused to be interviewed unless they were together. They would not testify under oath and they refused to allow the interview to be recorded or transcribed.  Instead the commission was allowed to bring with them a note taker. It is the summary based on this person’s notes that remains sealed.

4. Memos from President George W. Bush to the CIA Authorizing Waterboarding and other Torture Techniques
Four days after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, President George W. Bush signed a “memorandum of notification” (still secret) that authorized the CIA to do what it needed to fight al-Qaeda.  However the memo did not address what interrogation and torture techniques could be used on captured suspects. By June 2003, Director George Tenet and others at the CIA were becoming worried that if their seemingly illegal tactics became known to the public, the White House would deny responsibility and hang the CIA out to dry.  After much discussion, Bush’s executive office handed over two memos, one in 2003 and another in 2004, confirming White House approval of the CIA interrogation methods, thus giving the CIA “top cover.” It is not known if President Bush himself signed the memos.

5. 1,171 CIA Documents Related to the Assassination of President Kennedy
It’s been 49 years since President John F. Kennedy was shot to death in Dallas, yet the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) insists that more than one thousand documents relating to the case should not be released to the public until NARA is legally required to do so in 2017…unless the president at that time decides to extend the ban.  It would appear that some of the blocked material deals with the late CIA agent David Phillips, who is thought to have dealt with Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico City six weeks before the assassination.

6. Volume 5 of the CIA’s History of the Bay of Pigs Fiasco
In the late 1970s and early 1980s, CIA historian Dr. Jack B. Pfeiffer compiled a multi-volume history of the failed US attempt to invade Cuba in April 1961.  In August 2005, the National Security Archive at George Washington University, citing the Freedom of Information Act, requested access to this history.  The CIA finally released the information almost six years later, in July 2011. However it refused to release Volume V, which is titled “CIA’s Internal Investigation of the Bay of Pigs Operations.”  Although more than 50 years have passed since the invasion, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia ruled that Volume V is exempt from the Freedom of Information Act because it “is covered by the deliberative process privilege” which “covers documents reflecting advisory opinions, recommendations and deliberations comprising part of a process by which governmental decisions and policies are formulated.”

7. National Security Decision Directives with Classified Titles
The day before he left the White House on January 20, 1993, President George H. W. Bush issued National Security Directive (NSD) #79, a document so secret that even its title remains classified almost 20 years later. The same goes for National Security Directive #77, issued a few days earlier, as well as four others issued in 1989 (#11, 13a, 19a and 25a). If the “a”s are any indication of the subjects, it is worth noting that NSD 13 dealt with countering cocaine trafficking in Peru; NSD 19 dealt with Libya and NSD 25 with an election in Nicaragua.

President Ronald Reagan also issued six NSDs with classified titles, and President Bill Clinton issued 29.  President George W. Bush issued two such NSDs, presumably shortly after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. President Barack Obama has issued at least seven Presidential Policy Directives with classified titles.

8. Major General Douglas Stone’s 700-Page Report on Prisoners Held in Afghanistan
Marine Corps General Douglas Stone earned positive reviews for his revamping of detention operations in Iraq, where he determined that most of the prisoners held by the United States were not actually militants and could be taught trades and rehabilitated. Based on his success in Iraq, Stone was given the task of making an evaluation of detainee facilities in Afghanistan. His findings, conclusions and recommendations were included in a 700-page report that he submitted to the U.S. Central Command in August 2009. According to some accounts of the report, Stone determined that two-thirds of the Afghan prisoners were not a threat and should be released. However, three years after he completed it, Stone’s report remains classified.

9. Detainee Assessment Briefs for Abdullah Tabarak and Abdurahman Khadr
In 2011, WikiLeaks released U.S. military files known as Detainee Assessment Briefs (DABs), which describe the cases of 765 prisoners held at Guantánamo Bay. However, there were actually 779 prisoners. So what happened to the files for the other fourteen? Andy Worthington, author of The Guantanamo Files, has noted that two of the fourteen missing stories are especially suspicious: those of Abdullah Tabarak and Abdurahman Khadr.

Tabarak, a Moroccan, was allegedly one of Osama bin Laden’s long-time bodyguards, and took over bin Laden’s satellite phone in order to draw U.S. fire to himself instead of to bin Laden when U.S. forces were chasing the al-Qaeda leader in the Tora Bora mountains in December 2001.  Captured and sent to Guantánamo, Tabarak was mysteriously released, sent back to Morocco in July 2003, and set free shortly thereafter.

Abdurahman Khadr, the self-described “black sheep” of a militant family from Canada, was 20 years old when he was captured in Afghanistan and turned over to American forces. He has said that he was recruited by the CIA to become an informant at Guantánamo and then in Bosnia. When the CIA tried to send him to Iraq, he refused and returned to Canada. His younger brother, Omar, was 15 years old when he was captured in Afghanistan and accused of killing an American soldier, Sergeant First Class Christopher Speer, during a firefight.  He was incarcerated at Guantánamo for almost ten years until he was finally released to Canadian custody on September 29, 2012.

10. FBI Guidelines for Using GPS Devices to Track Suspects
On January 23, 2012, in the case of United States v. Jones, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously that attaching a GPS device to a car to track its movements constitutes a “search” and is thus covered by the Fourth Amendment protecting Americans against “unreasonable searches and seizures.”  But it did not address the question of whether the FBI and other law enforcement agencies must obtain a warrant to attach a GPS device or whether it is enough for an agent to believe that such a search would turn up evidence of wrongdoing.

A month later, at a symposium at the University of San Francisco, FBI lawyer Andrew Weissman announced that the FBI was issuing two memoranda to its agents to clarify how the agency would interpret the Supreme Court decision. One memo dealt with the use of GPS devices, including whether they could be attached to boats and airplanes and used at international borders. The second addressed how the ruling applied to non-GPS techniques used by the FBI.

The ACLU, citing the Freedom of Information Act, has requested publication of the two memos because they “will shape not only the conduct of its own agents but also the policies, practices and procedures of other law enforcement agencies—and, consequently, the privacy rights of Americans.”

11. U.S. Paper on Negotiating Position on the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas
The subject of international trade negotiations is one that makes most people’s eyes glaze over. So why is the Obama administration fighting so hard to keep secret a one-page document that relates to early negotiations regarding the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA), an accord that was proposed 18 years ago and about which public negotiations ended in 2005? All we know is that the document “sets forth the United States’ initial proposed position on the meaning of the phrase ‘in like circumstances.’” This phrase “helps clarify when a country must treat foreign investors as favorably as local or other foreign investors.”

Responding to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by The Center for International Environmental Law, DC District Judge Richard W. Roberts ordered the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) to release the document, but the Obama administration has refused, claiming that disclosure “reasonably could be expected to result in damage to the national security” because all the nations involved in the failed negotiations agreed to keep all documents secret until December 31, 2013…“unless a country were to object to the release of one of its own documents at that time.” Judge Roberts ruled that the USTR has failed to present any evidence that release of the document would damage national security.

Most likely, the Obama administration is afraid that release of the document would set a precedent that could impede another secret trade negotiation, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), also known as the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement, which seeks to establish a free trade zone among the U.S., New Zealand, Chile, Singapore, Brunei, Australia, Peru, Vietnam, Malaysia and possibly Canada, Mexico and Japan.
-David Wallechinsky

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Charity at Christmas

Enlightening As you open your charitable pockets for the upcoming holiday season or the next natural disaster, please keep these facts in mind:

| The American Red Cross President and CEO Marsha J. Evans’ salary for the
| year was $651,957 plus expenses.
| The United Way President Brian Gallagher receives a $375,000 base salary
| along with numerous expense benefits.
| UNICEF CEO Caryl M. Stern receives $1,200,000 per year (100k per month)
| plus all expenses including a ROLLS ROYCE. Less than 5 cents of your donated
| dollar goes to the cause.
| The Salvation Army's Commissioner Todd Bassett receives a salary of only
| $13,000 per year (plus housing) for managing this $2 billion dollar
| organization. 96 percent of donated dollars go to the cause.
| The American Legion National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary. Your
| donations go to help Veterans and their families and youth!
| The Veterans of Foreign Wars National Commander receives a $0.00 zero
| salary. Your donations go to help Veterans and their families and youth!
| The Disabled American Veterans National Commander receives a $0.00 zero
| salary. Your donations go to help Veterans and their families and youth!
| The Military Order of Purple Hearts National Commander receives a $0.00
| zero salary. Your donations go to help Veterans and their families and youth!
| The Vietnam Veterans Association National Commander receives a $0.00 zero
| salary. Your donations go to help Veterans and their families and youth!
| No further comment is necessary. Please share this with everyone you can.

Friday, December 14, 2012

RFID chip and you

Hey Steve,
Just thought I'd toss this past ya. I know you get thousands of messages
daily so I hope you get to read this.

Mark of the beast. I work in the RFID industry. Im an electrical engineer
and have been for more than 23 years. Im also have a strong foundation in

I have an alternative to the norm that I worked with a few years ago.
Everyone believes that the Rice Grain RFID CHIP is what will be used to
implement the mark of the beast. I believe they are wrong.

I believe it will be the RFID INK. Google it. This stuff is cheaper, it has
a far greater readable range and is invisible. Convincing people to take an
implant, I believe, will be impossible and impractical because of the
roaming effects of the Chips under the skin and rejection of the implant.

The RFID Ink leaves no visible mark or scars and takes only a miniature
drop on the skin. I believe the Mark will be a tattoo application. Some
will be visible if the victim wants most will not. Much, much easier to
convince a mostly asleep population to agree too......and agrees more with
the description in revelations as to it being a Mark.

At any rate, this I believe to be what the mark will be, just adding to
things to monitor...

Your brother in Christ--R.S.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Government hunts preppers

  1. ‘Doomsday Prepper’s’ Guns Taken After Declared a ‘Mental Defective’
  2. Prepper Declared “Mentally Defective,” Put On FBI List
  3. Doomsday Prepper Gets Labeled “Mentally Incompetent” by The State, Loses Gun Rights
  4. Doomsday Prepper Sentenced to 21 Months In Prison For Stockpiling “Destructive Devices” After Insider Rats Him Out
  5. FBI Spied On Visitors to ‘Prepper’ Website
  6. Breaking: Prepper Put on No-Fly List, Stranded in Hawaii
  7. Google offices raided by South Korean police
  8. Doomsday Survey: 51% of Americans Believe a Financial Collapse Is Imminent
  9. National Guard Whistleblower: “Doomsday Preppers Will Be Treated As Terrorists”
  10. Gun collector sues Toronto police for seizing legally owned firearms
  11. Prepper Put on No Fly List Speaks Out
  12. Why Are Millions Of Americans Preparing For Doomsday?
It is imperitive that those who are prepared for emergencies read theses stories.

Visitors to a popular ‘prepper’ website which advises people on how to prepare for potential disasters and civil emergencies were spied on by the FBI by means of a cookie that tracked their web activity, according to an analysis conducted by

“It has come to my attention that from August of 2011 to November of 2011, the FBI secretly redirected the web traffic of more than 10% of SurvivalBlog’s US visitors through CJIS, their sprawling data center situated on 900 acres, 10 miles from Clarksburg, West Virginia. There, the Feebees surreptitiously collected the IP addresses of my site visitors. In all, 4,906 of 35,494 selected connections ended up going to or through the FBI servers,” states a post on the website.
The analysis performed by the website found that the FBI’s primary source of interest was web users who had visited a video upload website associated with alleged intellectual copyright theft, such as MegaUpload. Once users visited these websites, they were assigned an FBI cookie which allowed the feds to track which websites users visited, including
However, the analysis also showed that some of the cookies were being assigned to users who had connected directly with the SurvivalBlog website.
“So if they had kept this practice up long enough and if you visited us enough times then the FBI’s computers would have given you a cookie. This has been verified with sniffer software,” states the website.
SurvivalBlog has since switched its primary servers to be hosted in Sweden, preventing the FBI from accessing the data. However, the whole episode proves that the feds are spying on so-called ‘preppers’ by tracking the websites they visit.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

What Obama loves about Islam!

Joys of Muslim Women

20 years from now, I will be in Heaven --bye !!This was written by a woman born in Egypt as a Muslim. Make sure you read the paragraph (in red)towards the end.

Joys of Muslim Women
By Nonie Darwish

In the Muslim faith a Muslim man can marry a child as young as 1 year old and have sexual intimacy with this child. Consummating the marriage by 9.

The dowry is given to the family in exchange for the woman (who becomes his slave) and for the purchase of the private parts of the woman, to use her as a toy.

Even though a woman is abused she can not obtain a divorce.

To prove rape, the woman must have (4) male witnesses.

Often after a woman has been raped, she is returned to her family and the family must return the dowry. The family has the right to execute her (an honor killing) to restore the honor of the family. Husbands can beat the ir wives 'at will' and he does not have to say why he has beaten her.

The husband is permitted to have (4 wives) and a temporary wife for an hour (prostitute) at his discretion.

The Shariah Muslim law controls the private as well as the public life of the woman.
In the Western World ( Canada , United States and Britain ) Muslim men are starting to demand Shariah Law so the wife can not obtain a divorce and he can have full and complete control of her. It is amazing and alarming how many of our sisters and daughters attending Am erican, Canadian, Universities and British Universities are now marrying Muslim men and submitting themselves and their children unsuspectingly to the Shariah law.

By passing this on, enlightened Canadian, American and British women may avoid becoming a slave under Shariah Law.

Ripping the West in Two.

Author and lecturer Nonie Darwish says the goal of radical Islamists is to impose Shariah law on the world, ripping Western law and liberty in two.

She recently authored the book, Cruel and Usual Punishment: The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic Law. Darwish was born in Cairo and spent her childhood in Egypt and Gaza before immigrating to America in 1978, when she was eight years old. Her father died while leading covert attacks on Israel . He was a high-ranking Egyptian military officer stationed with his family in Gaza ..

When he died, he was considered a "shahid," a martyr for jihad. His posthumous status earned Nonie and her family an elevated position in Muslim society.
But Darwish developed a skeptical eye at an early age. She questioned her own Muslim culture and upbringing.. She converted to Christianity after hearing a Christian preacher on television.
In her latest book, Darwish warns about creeping shariah law - what it is, what it means, and how it is manifested in Islamic countries.

For the West, she says radical Islamists are working to impose sharia on the world. If that happens, Western civilization will be destroyed. Westerners generally assume all religions encourage a respect for the dignity of each individual. Islamic law (Sharia) teaches that non-Muslims should be subjugated or killed in this world.

Peace and prosperity for one's children is not as important as assuring that Islamic law rules everywhere in the Middle East and eventually in the world.

While Westerners tend to think that all religions encourage some form of the golden rule, Shariah teaches two systems of ethics - one for Muslims and another for non-Muslims. Building on tribal practices of the seventh century, Shariah encourages the side of humanity that wants to take from and subjugate others.

While Westerners tend to think in terms of religious people developing a personal understanding of and relationship with God, Shariah advocates executing people who ask difficult questions that could be interpreted as criticism.

It's hard to imagine, that in this day and age, Islamic scholars agree that those who criticize Islam or choose to stop being Muslim should be executed. Sadly, while talk of an Islamic reformation is common and even assumed by many in the West, such murmurings in the Middle East are silenced through intimidation.

While Westerners are accustomed to an increase in religious tolerance over time, Darwish explains how petro dollars are being used to grow an extremely intolerant form of political Islam in her native Egypt and elsewhere.

(In twenty years there will be enough Muslim voters in Canada , the U.S. And Britain To elect the President by themselves! Rest assured they will do so... You can look at how they have taken over several towns in the USA .. Dearborn Mich. Is one... And there are others....) ( Britain has several cities now totally controlled by Muslims)

I think everyone in Canada . the U.S. And Great Britain Should be required to read this, but with the ACLU, there is no way this will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends it on!
It is too bad that so many are disillusioned with life and Christianity to accept Muslims as peaceful.. Some may be but they have an army that is willing to shed blood in the name of Islam.. The peaceful support the warriors with their finances and own kind of patriotism to their religion. While Canada, the U.S.A.and Britain are getting rid of Christianity from all public sites and erasing God from the lives of children the Muslims are planning a great jihad on North America and Britain

Monday, December 3, 2012

A Ford Dealer's Report

A Ford Dealer's Report - From Tom Selkis' (Latham Ford) Facebook - True story "I'll try to make this as short and to the point as I can.
One of my salesmen here had a woman in his office yesterday wanting to lease a brand new Focus.
As he was reviewing her credit application with her he noticed she was on social security disability.
He said to her you don't look like you're disabled and unable to work.
She said, “ Well, I'm really not. I could work if I wanted to, but I make more now than I did when I was working and got hurt (non-disabling injury).”
She said the gov't sends her $1500.00 a month in 1 check. And she gets
$700.00 a month on an EBT card (food stamps), and $800.00 a month for rent.
Oh yeah, and 250 minutes free on her phone.
That is just south of $3500.00 a month.
When she was working, she was taking home about $330.00 per week.
Do the math and then ask yourself why the hell should she go back to work.
If you multiply that by millions of people, you start to realize the scope of the problem we face as a country.
Once the socialists have 51% of the population in that same scenario, we are finished. Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Muslims and Mexicans. Regardless of political preference, race or religion.
The question is “When do we cross that threshold, if we haven't already, and there are not enough people working to pay enough taxes to support the non-working people? Riots??”
Be prepared to protect your homes.
She didn't lease the Focus here because the dealer down the road beat our deal by $10.00/month.
Glad to know she is so frugal with her “hard earned money."

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Costs Of Solar Energy Rapidly Declining Throughout U.S. Market

Costs Of Solar Energy Rapidly Declining Throughout U.S. Market
on 27 Nov 2012 by email the content item print the content item
The installed price of solar photovoltaic power systems in the U.S. fell substantially in 2011 and through the first half of 2012, according to the latest edition of Tracking the Sun, an annual PV cost-tracking report produced by the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab). The median [read more]
PV Parity Project Analyzes Solar Cost Trajectories In Europe
on 27 Nov 2012 by email the content item print the content item
Grid parity for residential and commercial consumers is in sight in many European countries, according to new research from the PV Parity project consortium. The group assessed the evolution of system prices, retail electricity prices and cost of financing, as well as the capacity in various countries to self-consume photovoltaic [read more]
PPG Manufacturing Heat-Strengthened Glass For Solar Applications
on 27 Nov 2012 by email the content item print the content item
PPG Industries' flat-glass business can now manufacture heat-strengthened glass in thicknesses of less than 3 mm. According to the company, it is among the first major glass manufacturers in North America to offer this capability. PPG can produce heat-strengthened glass in thicknesses of 2 mm, 2.5 mm and 2.7 mm [read more]
Littelfuse Offering Two New Photovoltaic Fuses
on 27 Nov 2012 by email the content item print the content item
Littelfuse Inc., a provider of circuit-protection products, has debuted two new fuses designed for the protection of solar installations. The new SPFJ 70-100 amp fuses complete the SPFJ series of 1,000 VDC fuses approved to the new UL Photovoltaic fuse standard - UL2579. The fuses are in a standard 200 [read more]

Monday, November 26, 2012

Building a 3 Month Supply using Case Lot Sales

Inevitably, each year in the weeks preceding the LDS General Conference sessions in April and October grocery stores in Utah begin their Case Lot sales. In case you aren’t familiar with the term, a Case Lot sale is a sale that allows you to purchase food (and other) items at a discount from a regular grocery store. The only catch is that you need to buy them a case at a time.

This can really help build of your emergency food supply quickly. Given that there are generally 12 to 24 cans or jars in a case, this is the perfect opportunity to scratch that Food Storage To-Do off your New Year’s Resolution list. As we have touted many, many times before, there are many reasons to have at a minimum a three-month supply of food you eat on a regular basis be it financial, natural disaster or otherwise.

Lucky for you (and all of us for that matter), our friends at Prepared LDS Family have updated their Case Lot spreadsheet. As always, we are greatly appreciative of the work and effort that went into this.

In addition to the spreadsheet will help you find the best deals this Case Lot season, there is also a 3 Month Supply post. This excellent resource details out what a basic 3 month supply for one person should consist of, then lists prices for items to fill that list along with the case lot costs for both Macey’s and Smith’s.

Many of the Bulk Food Suppliers on our Resources page also offer case lot sales during this same time period.

Go over and take a look!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Jigaboo Hunting Season

Due to the extremely cold and icy conditions and regional flooding of LOUISIANA game lands this past winter and early spring, breeding populations of most game animals are far below the normal limits for the upcoming hunting season. Therefore, the hunting of deer, rabbit, pheasant wild turkey, squirrels, bear, raccoon, and bobcat WILL NOT be permitted in the state of Louisiana during the 09-10 hunting seasons. However, Governor Bobby Jindal has provided by special decree, a substitute game animal to be hunted in order for the state not to lose license revenues and for hunters not to lose their woodland skills. 
Effective September 1, 2009 thru June 1, 2010 there will be an open season on porch monkeys (UNEMPLOYUS AFRICANAS) occasionally known as jigaboos, saucer lips, shines, jungle bunnies, spooks, ******, shadows, spear chuckers, bluegums, coons, deuces, spades, critters, blackies, splibs, tar babies and moon crickets.
The following regulations will be enforced:
1. Hunters may not hunt in parties of more than 50.
2. No single hunter may use more than 20 dogs.
3. There will be no hunting in areas considered to be game reserves such as welfare offices, food stanp distribution centers, liquer stores, Cadillac dealerships, pork rib sections of meat markets, ghettos or arenas where professional basketball is played.
4. Traps may not be baited with pork chops, fried chicken, collard greens, watermelon, cheap whiskey, Ripple wine or Air Jordan athletic shoes.
5. No more than 5 grams of crack cocaine are allowed to be used as bait per day, per hunter.

Sign of the times

Michael Snyder
Economic Collapse
Nov 24, 2012

If Americans will trample one another just to save a few dollars on a television, what will they do when society breaks down and the survival of their families is at stake? Once in a while an event comes along that gives us a peek into what life could be like when the thin veneer of civilization that we all take for granted is stripped away. For example, when Hurricane Sandy hit New York and New Jersey there was rampant looting and within days people were digging around in supermarket dumpsters looking for food. Sadly, “Black Friday” also gives us a look at how crazed the American people can be when given the opportunity. This year was no exception. Once again we saw large crowds of frenzied shoppers push, shove, scratch, claw, bite and trample one another just to save a few bucks on cheap foreign-made goods. And of course most retailers seem to be encouraging this type of behavior. Most of them actually want people frothing at the mouth and willing to fight one another to buy their goods. But is this kind of “me first” mentality really something that we want to foster as a society? If people are willing to riot to save money on a cell phone, what would they be willing to do to feed their families? Are the Black Friday riots a very small preview of the civil unrest that is coming when society eventually breaks down?

Once upon a time, Thanksgiving was not really a commercial holiday. It was a time to get together with family and friends, eat turkey and express thanks for the blessings that we have been given.

But in recent years Black Friday has started to become even a bigger event than Thanksgiving itself.

Millions of Americans have become convinced that it is fun to wait in long lines outside retail stores in freezing cold weather in the middle of the night to spend money that they do not have on things that they do not need.

And of course very, very few “Black Friday deals” are actually made in America. So these frenzied shoppers are actually killing American jobs and destroying the U.S. economy as well.

The absurdity of Black Friday was summed up very well recently in a statement that has already been retweeted on Twitter more than 1,000 times…

“Black Friday: because only in America people trample each other for sales exactly one day after being thankful for what they already have.”
It has gotten to the point where it is now expected that there will be mini-riots all over the country early on Black Friday morning each year. The following are a few examples of the craziness that we saw this year…

-”Fights break out when stores open on Black Friday”

-”Black Friday madness at Georgia Wal-Mart”

-”Black Friday Frenzy: 2 Run Down in Washington, Man Pulls Gun in Texas”

-”Black Friday 2012: Rush at Victoria’s Secret Pink at Oak Park Mall in Overland Park, Kan.”

-”Black Friday shoppers smash door at Urban Outfitters”

-”Black Friday Shopping Hysteria From Around The Country [PHOTOS]”

-”Disturbance leads to scare at Westroads Mall”

-”Teens In Custody After Woodland Mall Fight”

-”Boy Robbed During Black Friday Shopping At Arundel Mills”

-”Shoppers Were So Obsessed With Black Friday Deals They Left Their Infants Unattended”

Fortunately, many Americans are starting to get fed up with Black Friday. In fact, one activist named Mark Dice actually went out and heckled Black Friday shoppers this year. I found the following You Tube video to be very funny, and I think most of you will too…

In the end, it is not that big of a deal that people want to fight with one another to save 50 dollars on a cell phone.

But this kind of extreme selfishness and desperation could become a massive problem someday if society breaks down and suddenly millions of extremely selfish and desperate people are scrambling for survival.

With each passing day our economy is getting even weaker, and the next wave of the economic collapse is rapidly approaching. What are people going to do when the next spike in unemployment hits us and nobody can find work?

To get an idea of where things are headed, just look at Europe. In both Greece and Spain the unemployment rate is over 25 percent and civil unrest has become almost a constant problem in both of those countries.

So what kind of riots will we see in the United States when the economy gets much worse than it is now?

Already there are signs of social decay all around us, and most Americans are completely unprepared for what will happen if a major disaster or emergency does strike.

Sadly, the reality is that most Americans live on a month to month basis. Most families do not have any emergency savings to speak of, and one recent poll found that 55 percent of all Americans only have enough food in their homes to survive for three days or less.

To me, that is an absolutely insane number.

We just came through a summer of extreme drought and global food supplies have dropped to a 40 year low. Our world is becoming increasingly unstable, and the global financial system could fall apart at any time. Most of us just assume that there will always be huge amounts of very cheap food available to us, but unfortunately that simply is not a safe assumption. The following is from a recent article in the Guardian…

Evan Fraser, author of Empires of Food and a geography lecturer at Guelph University in Ontario, Canada, says: “For six of the last 11 years the world has consumed more food than it has grown. We do not have any buffer and are running down reserves. Our stocks are very low and if we have a dry winter and a poor rice harvest we could see a major food crisis across the board.”

“Even if things do not boil over this year, by next summer we’ll have used up this buffer and consumers in the poorer parts of the world will once again be exposed to the effects of anything that hurts production.”

When I watch my fellow Americans trample one another to get a deal on a television or a video game, it makes me wonder what they would be willing to do if they went to the store someday and all the food was gone.

Desperate people do desperate things, and someday if there was a major economic breakdown in the United States I think the level of desperation in this country would be extremely frightening.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I was wrong

Well, It's official; I don't know anything.

I thought for sure that given such a clear choice, Americans would vote for
love of country over revenge.

I was wrong.

I thought, that just as every presidential election in my lifetime, the bad
economy would be hung around the incumbent's neck, sinking him.

I was wrong.

I thought that even those few Americans who were fortunate enough to still
be fully employed (not counting those leeching off the public system) would
be cognizant of how much pain their neighbors were in and elect someone who
would at least try to make improvements.

I was wrong.

I thought that now that FINALLY some of the disturbing truths about our
first black president had come to light, voters would reject a man so
dangerously at odds with the American experience.

I was wrong.

I thought the 2010 elections and the Tea Party meant something.

I thought the enthusiasm on display at Romney/Ryan events, contrasted with
the lack of same at Obama/Biden events meant something.

I thought Americans would never sell their liberty for the sake of trinkets
like cell phones or even big shiny lies like 'free health care'.

I was wrong.

Never in a million years would I have supposed that America would support a
president who left his (our) people to die at the hands of our enemies
overseas without lifting a hand to help, then lie about what he watched in
real time for over two weeks, then lie about the lie for another month.

I was wrong.

I thought Americans could tell a hawk from a handsaw.

I was wrong.

We were offered the clearest choice we've had since 1980, where we had
malaise and a misery index on one hand and a shining city on a hill on the
other. Back then, we chose the city on the hill. This time the choice was
between a man who says 7.9% unemployment and $4.00 gas is the new
normal and a guy whose entire career has been about fixing broken entities.

We chose to stay broken. And Broke.

Maybe I'm wrong about the ramifications of this choice. Maybe windmills
will actually turn out to be a viable energy source. Maybe America
diminished will be loved overseas. Maybe a nuclear Iran won't be a threat.
Maybe Israel is over reacting. Maybe western civilization was always over
rated. Maybe life under Sharia Law is fun. Maybe when the rest of the world
realizes that we have no intention of ever paying back that
$16,000,000,000,000.00 (and counting) that we've borrowed from them, they
won't devalue the dollar, causing hyper inflation here at home. Maybe China
will just keep on giving us money and not demand our hearts, souls, national
monuments and marriageable daughters as payment.

I've watched my candidate lose elections before but I've never felt the way
I did when this one was called for Obama.

It wasn't bitterness or sadness or even disappointment. It took me a while
to figure out what it was. Then it hit me; it was horror.

Pure, unadulterated horror.

Not because of Obama, but because of what it says about us, the American
people, that we chose this.

It shouldn't have even been close. Faced with the choice between taking
charge of our destiny and tackling our financial problems, we opted to get
high and have sex. We've elected a guy who doesn't understand that a growing
economy that creates more tax payers will bring in more revenue than higher
taxes. A Commander in Chief who doesn't know our military still uses
bayonets. A man who wants to control the economy without even knowing the
difference between bankruptcy and liquidation. It was one thing to elect an
unknown quantity, buying his line of 'Hope and Change'. It's something else
to deliberately choose his failed policies over someone who has actually
achieved success in life. I never dreamed America would do that.

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, Hello Idiocracy!

Goodbye, recovery.

Goodbye, energy independence.

Goodbye, religious liberty.

Goodbye, liberty and justice for all.

Goodbye, America dream.

It profits a man nothing to lose his soul for the whole world but we threw
ours away for cell phones and birth control pills.

In the twentieth century (the American Century), we stepped up to the plate
three times and saved the rest of the world from fascism, nazism and
communism. We were the cavalry, always riding to the rescue.

Now, we've gotten rid of our horses, spent all our money on windmills,
alienated our allies, bowed to our enemies, cut ourselves off from our own
natural resources thrown away our children's birthright and spent their

And we did it on purpose.

When the wolf is at the door (and he's coming, yelling 'Allahu Akbar') we're
going to find out there is no one out there to come to our rescue.

On the bright side, maybe it'll all turn out great. After all, I don't know

--- Casual Sundays with Mr Curry published a new post entitled "Gobsmacked" ---

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Harvard Study shows Liberals have a lower average IQ than Conservatives

A new study conducted at Harvard University shows that in America, Liberals have a significantly lower IQ than Conservatives. The study was conducted on 100,000 registered voters in 40 different states over the last twelve years, and has concluded its results.
The first part of the study lists the correlation between political beliefs and intelligence. Subjects of the study were chosen at random and requested to come to an unmarked van to take a test and answer some questions for a reasonable amount of money.
Of the 100,000 people, there were people from many doctrines, from conservative to liberal to marxist to fascist. Socialists came out on bottom, with an average IQ of 87. The second worst were Liberals and then Marxists, with 88 and 89 respectively. Conservatives received an average score of 110, which is significantly above average. However, the conservatives did not score the highest. The holder of second place were Communists with an average I.Q of 115, and the first place was apolitical people who did not follow any specific doctrine, who received a whopping score on average of 135.
  IAHYM News attempted to interview President Barack Obama on the new find, but he refused to speak directly. Instead, while walking down the strange hallway, he told correspondent Joseph Ducreux that the study
was ridiculous and false, but failed to provide any reason as to why or
how the science of the study is at fault.
Hilary Rodham Clinton was also contacted, but she immediately hung up
the phone when she figured out that the study was being mentioned at all.
Other parts of the study included the daily activities of the various people based on their doctrines. Apparently, Liberals are five times more likely to commit a crime, steal or cheat on a test than anybody else except for Socialists, 52% of which have committed a major felony while being watched. Conservatives not only did not commit any crimes, but they actually prevented them, as the few events where a Conservative was threatened by a thief or mugger was hindered by a concealed handgun.  Also, Communists are the most likely to commit rape or sexual assault, second to socialists.
The study was conducted in other countries as well, where 81% of Muslim Extremists admitted to following the Liberal doctrine and idolizing President Barack Obama. The study was conducted by a group of roughly 900 different scientists across the country over the past twelve years, each one taking on a little over a hundred people per person.
Reporting from New York City, this is John Bowling.
©  IAHYM News Network, 2011

It's time to change where you shop

Election Cycle political donations, as reported by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Price Club/Costco donated $225K, 99% went to Democrats
Rite Aid donated $517K, 60% went to Democrats
Magla Products (Stanley tools, Mr. Clean) donated $22K, 100% went to Democrats
Warnaco (undergarments) donated $55K, 73% went to Democrats
Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia donated $153K,99% went to Democrats
Estee Lauder donated $448K,95% went to Democrats
Guess, Inc. Donated $145K,98% went to Democrats
Calvin Klein donated $78K,100% went to Democrats
Liz Claiborne, Inc. Donated $34K, 97% went to Democrats
Levi Straus donated $26K, 97% went to Democrats
Olan Mills donated $175K, 99% went to Democrats
WalMart donated $467K,97% went to Republicans
K-Mart donated $524K, 86% went to Republicans
Home Depot donated $298K,89% went to Republicans
Target donated $226K, 70% went to Republicans
Circuit City Stores donated $261K,95% went to Republicans
3M Co. Donated $281K, 87% went to Republicans
Hallmark Cards donated $319K,92% went to Republicans
Amway donated $391K, 100% Republicans
Kohler Co. (plumbing fixtures) donated $283K, 100% Republicans
B.F. Goodrich (tires) donated $215K, 97% went to Republicans
Proctor & Gamble donated $243K, 79% went to Republicans
Southern Wine & Spirits donated $213K, 73% went to Democrats
Joseph E. Seagrams & Sons (incl. Beverage Business and considerable media interests) donated $2M+, 67% went to Democrats
Gallo Winery donated $337K,95% went to Democrats
Coors & Budweiser donated $174K, 92% went to Republicans
Brown-Forman Corp. (Southern Comfort, Jack Daniels, Bushmills, Korbel Wines, Lenox China , Dansk and Gorham Silver) donated $644 K -- 80% went to Republicans
Sonic Corporation donated $83K, 98% went to Democrats
Triarc Companies (Arby's, T.J. Cinnamon's, Pasta Connections) donated $112K, 96% went to Democrats
Pilgrim's Pride Corp. (chicken) donated $366K, 100% went to Republicans
Outback Steakhouse donated $641K, 95% went to Republicans
Tricon Global Restaurants (KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell) donated $133K, 87% went to Republicans
Brinker International (Maggiano's, Brinker Cafe, Chili's, On the Border, Macaroni Grill, Crazymel's, Corner Baker, EatZis) donated $242K, 83% went to Republicans
Waffle House donated $279K,100% went to Republicans
McDonald's Corp. Donated $197K, 86% went to Republicans
Darden Restaurants (Red Lobster, Olive Garden, Smokey Bones, Bahama Breeze) donated $121K, 89% went to Republicans
Heinz Republicans $64,000Democrats $21,300! John Kerry's wife's company!!!
Traveling and/or dining
Hyatt Corporation donated $187K of which 80% went to Democrats
Marriott International $323K,81% went to Republicans
Holiday Inns donated $38K,71% went to Republicans

Saturday, November 17, 2012

We should be killing them, not feeding them

It's easy to dismiss individual programs
That benefit non-citizens until they're put
Together and this picture emerges.
Someone did a lot of research to put
Together all of this data. Often these
Programs are buried within other
Programs making them difficult to find. 

A Real 
 M Eye Opener 
Read this:We have been hammered with the
Propaganda that it was the Iraq war and
The war on terror that is bankrupting us.

I hope the following 
14 reasons are
Forwarded over and over again until
They are read so many times that the
Reader gets sick of reading them. I also
Have included the URL's for verification
Of all the following  facts.


$11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare
To illegal aliens each year by state governments.
Verify At 


$22 Billion dollars a year is spent on food
Assistance programs such as food stamps,
WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.
Verify At  


$2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on
Medicaid for illegal aliens. 
Verify at: 


$12 Billion dollars a year is spent 
Primary and secondary school education
For children here illegally and they
Cannot speak a word of English!
At</ a>  


$17 Billion dollars a year is spent for
Education for the American-born
Children of illegal aliens, known as
Anchor babies.
At</ a> 


$3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to
Incarcerate illegal aliens. 
Verify at:</ a>


30% percent of all Federal Prison
Inmates are illegal aliens.
Verify at:</ a> 


$90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on
Illegal aliens for Welfare & social
Services by the American taxpayers.


$200 Billion dollars a year in suppressed
American wages are caused by the illegal
At</ a>  


In 2006, illegal aliens sent home
$45 BILLION in remittances to their
Countries of origin.
At:. <http://www/>   14. 

The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration:
Nearly One million sex crimes committed
By Illegal Immigrants In The United States .
At: http: //

The total cost is a whopping
$ 338,300,000,000.00 WHICH
Are  we THAT Stupid? 
If this doesn't bother you, then just
Delete the message.  If, on the other
Hand, it does raise the hair on the back
Of your neck, I hope you forward it to every
           Legal resident in the United States