Friday, July 27, 2012

Vote John Swasey Duchesne County Commissioner

I also want to encourage voters to vote for John Swasey. Both Republicans and Democrats are for big government and neither are willing to stand up against the public opinion of the nanny state.

Today's Democratic party is not your grandma's democratic party. Today's democratic platform is identical to the Luciferian Creed. That said, the people with powers above the President of the United States (Bilderbergs, George Soros, Illuminati, et. al.), provide funding for both political parties and there is now little difference between the two parties. Voting a third party is our only chance to get a candidate that has not been bought and paid for in advance.

The fact that Duchesne County was ordered to pay $3.5 million for blatant discrimination against the handicapped, should be a sign that the County's disdain for both the handicapped and small business must end now! The money that the Duchesne County Commissioners wasted could have paid 1,000 families, $3,500.00 each. Talk about waste! And this is just one incident.

The County also has an extreme bias against the residents that live out of town. The County has all but made mobile homes illegal. There are bans on trailer parks and man camps. Duchesne County even withholds an address from residents that live in a mobile home. Mike Hyde illegally tried to get my Post Office Box revoked and has coerced the Post Office to illegally withhold boxes from residents that live in a mobile home. Even though hundreds of existing mobile homes have addresses. By illegally withholding an address, the County intends to punish residents by making it impossible to receive FedEx and UPS packages.

When we allow our small town government to become evil, our national leadership becomes evil. It is clear to me and several million others that our national leadership is beyond corrupt. It is guided by Satan. Our local leadership is against all of the freedoms that made this country great. In many cases, our local authorities act as cowards, enacting laws just because a large corrupt city like Chicago did, rather than thinking for themselves and acting as representatives of the people. The idiotic fireworks ban is an example of this. Banning fires at the Starvation State Park campground is another example of stupidity.

We MUST vote for a third party. A man that respects the United States Constitution and will fight for private property rights. Any other vote is doing exactly what one third of heaven did when they chose to follow Lucifer.

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