Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tolerance is Evil

Let me preface my remarks with a Christian post to the National Catholic Register:

The Tolerance Deal Is Broken
National Catholic Register ^ | 8/6/2012 | Patrick Archbold 
Posted on Mon Aug 06 2012 08:33:43 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time) by marcbold
Among all the words in a language already so battered and bruised as to almost become unrecognizable, one word stands out for having taken the brunt of the beating.
Tolerance has been so misshapen by the abuse that many people think that it means something opposite to its nature. After all injustice the word has suffered, I am unsure if it can or even should survive. Nevertheless, I wish to testify to its true meaning, even if in eulogy.
So let us begin with the basics. Contrary to what you may have heard, tolerance of its own can never be a good thing. By its nature, tolerance means abiding a bad thing. Even in our diminished capacity, nobody would say that they tolerate something good. One doesn't tolerate ice cream. One tolerates liver.
Metaphors aside, to tolerate is to abide something wrong, something in error, something evil.
Now many people today would have you believe that tolerance is the highest of the civic virtues, but it is not and never can be. Abiding evil can never be a virtue in and of itself and therefore it can never be demanded of anyone, least of all a Christian.
There are many reasons Christians may legitimately tolerate error, but they all must have one thing in common, the good of the sinner. We sometimes tolerate such error in the hopes that eventual realization of the folly will lead to repentance and eventually to truth. But there are also some errors and actions that cannot and must not be tolerated for the good of the sinner and the good of society.
In a pluralistic society such as ours, we have wisely limited the power over government to be intolerant toward religion...
I am tired of being tolerant.  I am tired of tolerating niggers on welfare that refuse to go to school.  I am tired of illegal aliens getting any benefit of any kind as a reward for coming here illegally.  Actually, I am tired of seeing an illegal alien alive.

It is time that Americans stand up and declare that tolerance is OVER.  Illegal aliens should be shot on sight as they cross the border, or later.  Niggers call each other niggers and it is time for all people to address blacks as niggers.  As long as niggers can call whites crackers, we can call them niggers.

It is time to demand that law enforcement arrest illegal aliens.  Any police officer refusing to make the arrest should be fired and banned for life from working in the public sector.

It is time to call queer fags what they are.  They are mentally deranged individuals that do not know what sex they are or what sex to mate with.  We should not offer them any additional rights just because they are queer. 

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