Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Candy Crowley should be fired

The fact that the "fat crow" (Candy Crowley) had a job after the debate proves that CNN has absolutely NO interest whatsoever in reporting UNbiased news.  Some could argue that the fat crow's interruption of Romney telling the truth was an act of treason that could potentially permanently ruin the United States and that therefore, Candy Crowley should be given the death penalty for treason. 

CNN has always been a liberal queer loving channel, often referred to as the Communist News Channel.  By allowing the fat crow to work even 5 seconds after her treasonous act puts CNN in the laughable parody opinion channel group of cheerleaders for Blacks for Poverty and Slavery as suggested by the human imposter President Obongo.

Now that CNN has indicated that their news is not to be taken seriously, but rather just so much propaganda as is the case with MSNBC, any person that watches CNN is complicit in the crow's treason and should be considered anti-American.

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