Freedom is not only the most important thing on earth, it is the most important thing to God and every universe that He created and every living thing including the infinite and beyond.
A computer can do massive amounts of calculations in a single second, but is bound by an instruction set that limits it's freedom to “think out of the box”. That is, it has to follow the rules and can not arbitrarily decide to do things a different way. The computer, therefore, can not be creative. It can only do things that have been preprogrammed.
Creating life is a complicated process that man as yet has not accomplished. Man together with woman can create a physical body, but the spirit comes from somewhere else. God has granted man the capability to procreate and set certain guidelines, which unlike a computer, man has the ability to break the rules, and do something else. This is called freedom.
Freedom is a very important thing. In fact, it is the subject of the biggest and longest and most decisive war in the infinite worlds of God and all of His creations. There is no other thing as important in all of infinity than freedom. There never has been and there never will be. Ever, because it is not possible, even for God to create anything as important as freedom. For freedom to even exist, there must be choices. If there are no choices, then it is like a train on a track. The train can not choose to go somewhere other than the track. Choices mean opposition in all things.
When the spirits that God had created or assembled, or caused to be, or however this was done, had achieved a level of intelligence that was literally out of this world, it became time to advance to the next level. The physical level would allow feelings, touch, and other senses and things that would bring the spirits closer to a state of Godhood. The human experience would necessarily have to be a temporary one, because freedom would be involved. Like the Constitutional Republic form of government of the United States, it only works if the government is comprised of good and honest people. Freedom can not be maintained by evil forces. This meant that it would be necessary for humans to die. Humans are evil by nature and can not be trusted with the power of either freedom or procreation for any extended period of time. It is far too dangerous. It would be like putting a wolf in charge of the chickens.
But many of the spirits could be trusted with both freedom and procreation. Even for eternity. The test is to see which ones.
God presented His plan to his spirit children. Freedom and procreation are so important and powerful things that they can not be trusted to the evil, wicked, or social minded. Putting these most valuable attributes in the hands of those not worthy of such, would be like placing a fully automatic machine gun, loaded with an unlimited amount of bullets, into the hands of an infant, so that if the child pulled the trigger, millions of people would be killed in a matter of just a few moments. The consequences of such would be far too great. There would need to be a test. It would be necessary to erase the memories of all participants before their entering the testing area because if not, they would all pass the test for sure, since they would know what it was all about. Then, those that passed the test could be given the power of freedom and procreation.
Lucifer suggested that by removing a few freedoms, he could guarantee that all would pass the test.
Jesus pointed out that losing freedoms was never a good choice and that only wicked and vile democrats and socialists would ever even suggest such a stupid idea.
Lucifer gained favor with a third of the population assembled by stating he would take care of them and offer such things as welfare, food stamps, even Obummercare. He would even see to it that an evil man named Roosevelt would create a new deal that took money from the productive and gave it to the slothful. A third of the congregation were fooled by the silver tongue of the evil one!
Jesus explained that freedom was more precious than anything ever imaginable. For without freedom, we would be on a train track and not in charge of our own destiny. He pointed out that social programs were for churches and charitable organizations and not for government. A third of the spirits could see the truth in what Jesus said.
So, there was a third for Lucifer and his democratic social programs and a third for freedom. This left a third that was undecided. You might say the undecided were not the brightest bulbs in heaven. This meant there were a third lazy and evil, a third benevolent and confident, and a third kind of like Africans that couldn't care less about anything as long as they could have free sex and dig bugs out of trees to eat.
So God kicked all of the democrats out of heaven forever and was so incredibly pissed off at them and their idiotic social program ideas that he even removed their ability to change their mind, or repent, or even participate in the human experience at all, except as demons, liars, and destroyers of anything good. Forever and for all eternity, these morons would never have a body, never procreate, and never achieve Godhood and the ability to have the freedom of choice for all eternity.
God gave the benefit of the doubt to the less bright and did allow them to participate in the test, but with limitations. They would have every opportunity to pass the test and could participate in Godhood if they achieved it.
The best spirits would come to earth or their designated planet and be born into circumstances that were designed specifically for them based on their past performance. There was to be no random chance as to be born white or black, rich or poor. There would be good come from every walk in life and even queers could become rock stars and blacks could become presidents.
Whether people believe this or not does not make it any less so.
Thomas Jefferson and Benjamen Franklin have stated these truths and as a result, the evil school administrators have removed their books from school shelves.
We were given the Bible and other written testimony like the Dead Sea Scrolls. We have the ability to choose. Many will make bad choices and that is the purpose of the test, to determine who loves freedom and is willing to fight for it and who are lazy worthless pieces of shit that are willing to give up a little freedom to have a little security.
There will not be a single democrat in the higher degrees of heaven where freedom and procreation are unlimited. These vermin will not be allowed families or the ability to create worlds and children without end.
Democrats are the lowest life forms as they spread their filthy lies and do their best to destroy freedoms for everyone. Fortunately, they will get their reward.
While it may seem that all good people should rip the heads off every democrat and urinate down their throat tube, and they certainly do deserve it, and the world would be a much better place for it, but it would deprive the evil pricks from committing the vile acts that will condemn them to hell forever. And when it is all said and done, and we are in our infinite glory, they will wish that they could be where we are and would gladly be urinated on if that would help, but it won't.
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