Here is a letter I recently received disclosing the only 6 states that think fags are wrong:
Dear Floyd,
Six states are fighting back.
Months ago, Public Advocate reported that the Department of Defense was forcing states to recognize homosexual “marriage” through their National Guard units.
The pro-Family Movement in Virginia instantly rallied against Governor Bob McDonnell’s decision to comply with the Obama mandate.
Public Advocate supporters in Virginia flooded his office with complaints.
We and other experts pointed out that state laws protecting real marriage should trump federal bureaucratic activism.
Sadly, Governor McDonnell sided with the Homosexual Agenda, but I am excited that six states are so far refusing to comply!
Texas, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma and West Virginia are all standing strong for family values.
Public Advocate is working hard to roll back the Homosexual Agenda in the U.S. military.
We are right now calling for a Congressional investigation into the many stories of anti-Family abuse in uniform.
And we are standing ready to defend the six states resisting Obama’s agenda.
I hope you will continue to stand with Public Advocate in these trying times.
For the Family,
President, Public Advocate of the U.S.
So if your state is one of the 44 queer loving states, I hope you will write your congressmen and educate them that packing poop is against nature and that these brain deranged individuals should only have as many rights as the rest of us. And we certainly do not want our children to learn that being a fag is an acceptable lifestyle!
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