Everybody has a friend that is or says that they are a democrat. Often times, the person does not even know what a democrat is. They have never actually read the democratic platform to see what it is that democrats actually believe in. They say something like "I have always been a democrat. My parents were democrats" etc. They have been brainwashed from birth to say that they are a democrat and to die for it if necessary. It has never occurred to them to read up on what a democrat is.
So if you ask these mindless robots what a democrat is, they mumble something about being for the people, collective bargaining, helping the poor, and other nonsense.
What we have here is a case of people so brain dead, that like pedophiles, only one in a thousand can actually be rehabilitated and even if one is rehabilitated, they can never be trusted because like a pedophile, they may re-offend. So the question becomes "should they even be allowed to live?" WOW! Harsh, you say. Well, the sole purpose of the democratic party is to follow Lucifer's plan to remove faith in God, destroy the economy of the entire earth, and make sin look good. If it weren't for democrats, we would not have 60 million people on welfare, we would not even be talking about ObummerCare. There would be no unemployment. The housing market never would have crashed. There would not be banksters on Wall Street or anywhere else making money at the expense of the poor and helpless.
The battle between good and evil did not end when God threw Lucifer out of Heaven. If you don't believe in God, then please go commit suicide as soon as possible because you are incredibly stupid, blind, and are part of the problem.
Men and women live for a hundred or so years and then die. Whatever they can accomplish in that amount of time is their legacy. Lucifer has had thousands of years to set his plan in motion and to deceive the masses. The democratic party is actually the party of Lucifer. It wasn't always so. But all of the things that democrats have ever done were done with the sole purpose of paving the way for the day when the party would be 100% Lucifarian.
The Bible predicted this 2000 years ago as did lots of other sacred records. Good is made to look bad and evil is made to look good.
Every conservative knows this. But every single breath of a democrat is spent on furthering the Satanic forces by adding more evil voters like illegal aliens and attacking good on all fronts.
So really, what you see when you look at a democrat, is a person that wants to destroy the minds of all children in public school by telling them lies and making them believe that evil is actually good. They intend to remove all private property rights and create a police state. They intend to enslave the mentally weak blacks by giving them free things and making them dependent. They intend for young girls to have to put up with horny boys in their locker rooms and showers and given free birth control. They intend to destroy the family unit and pit child against parent and parent against child. There is not a single item of goodness in Satan's minions and as we see on television every day, the democratic party is the father of all lies, because the father of the democratic party is the same evil one that God threw out.
So at the very minimum, every democrat is a body that is possessed by an evil spirit. The truth is that every democrat is the epitome of evil. Every democrat is the enemy. There is no such thing as a good democrat. If a democrat claims to be a Christian, he is a liar. Now, obviously, all democrats by necessity have to believe in God in order to believe in the Evil One which they follow. This does not make them Christians. This only proves the existence of opposition in all things.
It is therefore safe to say that if you kill any democrat in cold blood or with premeditation, it is actually, in fact, a case of self defense. As a matter of fact, it is our duty and obligation to rid the earth of as many of these evil vermin as possible.
There is no difference between a man that rapes your daughter and a man that votes for laws to make it happen.
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