Monday, September 23, 2013

Enough is enough

-by Robur
originally posted on Stormfront - reposted with permission

Before I start, I'll proudly state that I am a white man, approximately 50 years of age. I'll also state that I was born and raised in the north by college educated parents and I have also earned college degrees. I was raised to respect the ideal that everyone is equal – an ideal that has been twisted from its original meaning that no one is 'special' or privileged (especially in the eyes of the law), to some sort of communistic goal in which the most profoundly useless individual is as good as the most exceptional! I grew up in an era where folks were respectful, a college degree meant something, and folks were generally well meaning and honest. You knew your neighbors and, while you may not have agreed with them, you respected them enough to let them live as they wished – as long as it didn't interfere with your rights and ability to do the same.


Today, we have a country that can easily be described as either a police or welfare state – and is arguably both. We have a justice system that is clearly broken – handing down judgments clearly at odds with common sense and the society that it serves, or worse, legitimatizing the ideal that some have special dispensations and entitlement. I'm tired of being demonized as a white male; called insensitive, privileged, racist, chauvinist, greedy, and bitter – the list goes on and on. I'm sick of not being able to speak my mind and be forced to agree to things I know are false in the holy name of political correctness. I am disgusted to know that if I defend myself or stand up to criminal black youths that I might end up as the next George Zimmerman. And horrified to think that any one of my friends or family members could be the next Chris Lane or 'Shorty' Belton. Just because a couple of racist black youths are bored or want revenge for the punishment of other black criminals.

You've read it right. I've had enough of my quality of life reduced, eroded and destroyed by people of color. And I am not ashamed or sorry to say it. Truth is truth, and no amount of spin or disinformation should be tolerated!


Ever hear the phrase '5% of the folks cause 95% of the problems'?

It's almost true. Approximately 13% of the population is black (40 million). Nationwide, that population is responsible for approximately 75% of all murders, rapes, robberies, thefts, and assaults. And 75% of all welfare. They are the least educated, yet scores of programs and billions of dollars are wasted merely because of their skin color instead of demonstrated ability.

This is not statistical tinkering, quoting of false statistics, spin, or a lie. These numbers are based on data released by the government. The raw data and specifics for each state can be obtained easily from an excellent series of articles called The Color of Crime which are available at Occidental Dissent | Resistance Is True Conservatism.

How many times have you driven or walked by a group, or an individual black and been subjected to harassment or intimidation? Had them approach you and say 'Gimme a dollar!' or worse? Have had you property destroyed, damaged or devalued due to their behavior? If this sounds just a bit like terrorism, it is because it is terrorism. It just that it is at a low, constantly grinding level that we've come to view as normal. Consider: in what way is the constant threat of racial rioting by this 13% segment of society different than that of an Islamic terrorist threatening to blow up an airliner or school? Making you fear for your physical safety and the safety of your loved ones unless you do as they wish is terrorism or extortion!

True, not all blacks are 'gangsta thugs' and 'welfare mommas'. But that just emphasizes the issue! Assuming 1/3 are decent people or children under the age of 10, that means 8% of the folks are 75% of the problem!

Consider: women, children, and aged men are probably not committing most crimes. That means that black males between the ages of 13 and 30 (3% of the US Population, 10 Million individuals) are directly responsible for over 70% of crimes committed against persons and property. When you consider they are also responsible (at least 50%) for the children produced by the 'welfare mommas' that we are supporting as well, this 3% of the population is directly responsible for well over 2/3 of all social welfare spending and law enforcement costs.


If that 8% did not exist, we could reduce our justice system, welfare system, and the associated government bureaucracies by 75 to 80%.

Not only that, but think of the savings in insurance payouts, healthcare, lost time due to injuries sustained, resources not wasted repairing and replacing the damage wrought by them....

The ripple effects alone boggle the mind. How much does it cost in man hours and labor and such just to try to comply and second guess the EEOC and government mandates protecting them? How many children would have better chances of success if the schools were not disrupted? How many people would not die every year?

Reducing the unnecessary government bureaucracies and the bureaucrats in them would substantially reduce not only the size, but the scope of government significantly.

While the direct costs to society are easily estimated, these indirect costs that would be saved are many orders of magnitude greater. And the intangible benefits, such as safer neighborhoods and better schools address quality of life issues that are literally priceless!


Most black leaders will not even acknowledge that they have a problem. Instead, they portray themselves and their race as one of victims. The occasional black that speaks out or does well (Bill Cosby, Thomas Sowell, Allen West, etc.) are mercilessly attacked.

What makes this especially odious is that leaders like Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Louis Farrakhan are all intelligent and educated enough to know that their narratives are not only false, but also exacerbate the existing situation. Their rhetoric and actions not only inflame, but legitimatize and empower people like themselves to engage in these negative behaviors.

These people are just as guilty as those they incite; young black men engaging in aggressive and anti-social behaviors KNOW what they are doing. They are no more innocent than Travon; less so as they are doing so deliberately. They should be held directly responsible.

People who deliberately lie, obfuscate the truth, or enable it are directly responsible for the results and should be held accountable for it. People like Jay Carney and his ilk who knowingly lie to help enable this are the lowest and most dispicable examples that come to mind.


A lot of folks call them African-Americans. Many groups have been given that -American suffix; Germans, Italians, Norwegians, Greeks, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, even Mexicans. The difference is that each of these groups has assimilated – all of them to a greater degree than the blacks have. Consider that they did not have a separate culture, but rather have consciously sought to create one that is divorced from the common culture defined as 'American'. Clearly, they do not want to assimilate or become 'American' and as such do not deserve the American suffix. Call them what they are: Africans or Blacks.


Sometimes if you have several problems, they will solve each other.

Incarceration costs too much. Assimilation is simply not possible. Extermination is not politically feasible and has other issues.


Liberia was founded as a place for all blacks that were enslaved to be repatriated to their home continent. It was used as such by many countries starting in the 1800s.

Rather than continue to pay to incarcerate them, why not deport them?

Issue them a cell phone, an I-pad (so they can communicate with family members, etc.) and send them back. Issue them an ATM card with some money to get started. Offer family members a free ticket and a similar cash incentive to join their sons and daughters.

As far as the 'welfare mommas' go: it costs significantly less money to live in a country like Liberia. Given the choice of continued benefits in a place where dollars go much further or total loss of benefits, there is no doubt which option will be taken. While this would still result in some cost to the country, it would be a lower, fixed cost that decreases every year and would be gone in 20 years (one generation).

The cost to us as a society would be virtually nil – the benefits in terms of opportunities gained and cash savings enormous.

And just think: all of that expertise, ability and energy can help the indigenous peoples of the African continent! And of course, if they object too much, I'm sure there will be plenty who fight and resist that will be good object lessons to the rest. Go voluntarily and get $5K, an I-Phone and I-Pad; resist and get none; or fight and get a nice stone marker.

Best of all, it defuses the current budget, entitlement, class and race crises before they culminate in a civil war. It would stimulate the economy and cost significantly less than what we spend currently. Very humanitarian!


A 747 can carry 300 people. Assuming 10 million, that means approximately 35,000 flights, or 100 flights a day for a year. Not impossible at all – spread it over 4 years and the number drops to a mere 25 flights per day. Easy! Using larger aircraft (C5s, Airbus 380s) and ships would simplify the logistics and reduce the number of trips significantly. Areas other than Liberia can be used as well; Haiti certainly can use the influx of affluent and educated immigrants. Any country that wishes can also voluntarily request to receive these deportees; the only condition is that they may never return to America.

Start with those already incarcerated. The space cleared by them can be used to process those to be shipped.

Jump start the economy! Think of all the folks employed in the process. The materials needed to supply the deportees, the workers processing them and maintaining the infrastructure needed. The workers and the materials needed to clean up and repair the blighted areas after their removal. Another benefit is that with everyone working towards a clearly visible and easily defined goal, a new sense of national unity can be instilled! Especially as the results will start appearing almost immediately: lower crime and safer cities, cleaner streets and neighborhoods, better education, less governmental interference and regulation!

Even the progressives can benefit! Think of all the sob stories to be written! And those that really feel the bond with their clients can take advantage of the incentives to join them in Liberia and set up businesses and schools!


What about them? Rounding up the problem blacks is actually harder than rounding up the illegal Hispanics. And transporting them is MUCH easier – plenty of trains and rolling stock go back to to Mexico empty (thanks to NAFTA). The same dragnet would be equally effective. Especially if there are bonuses handed out for each unharmed 'capture'! I suspect that many folks would make a very good living on their hunting 'bonuses'.

Even easier: offer a $5K EBT card for those who voluntarily turn themselves in. Still cheaper than bilingual education, welfare, tax evasion, additional legal and law enforcement, increased government, etc. Consider: $5,000 x 10,000,000 = $50 Billion. We spend more than four times this every year on Food Stamps!


Personally, I have had enough. The 'gangsta thugs' and such are a clear and present menace to everyone – black, white, yellow – even pets (dog fighting is a black problem too!). Like any other rabid dog packs, groups of black youths that exhibit any aggressive tendencies (redundant – they are aggressive just by existing and they know it!) should be exterminated – just as we would exterminate any other rabid aggressive animals.

Every one of us need to stand up. That means everyone - the computer programmers, the accountants, the mechanics, but ESPECIALLY those in law enforcement and positions of authority. Don't just take it, grow a set and stand up to them. If they spit on the sidewalk, arrest them.

Talk to those around you. Boycott advertisers and businesses that cater to this crap. Show up to political rallies and unequivocally tell them that a vote for color means they lose your vote.

Best of all, we can do a 'trial run'. Thanks to a recent study, we now know that best states for welfare benefits are the notoriously liberal ones: Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New York. Point out to your local government leaders the advantages and cost savings that can be realized by offering relocation assistance to blacks so that they can enjoy the increased benefits in these states! Point out to the blacks that not only do they receive much greater benefits in these states, but they also will be much safer moving away from all of the red-neck racists in your area!


Sure, they don't want to leave. They have it good here. Can you blame them?

We've spent (by best estimate) over $50 TRILLION dollars to try and educate, uplift, support and 'mainstream' blacks into America. At that rate, we could have given every black man, woman, child, and baby in America today over a Million dollars – and SAVED money. That does not even count the cost to our society in terms of crime, lost opportunities, cultural disruption, and costs to our infrastructure!

Since money and government programs aren't the answer, the most humane thing we can do is to return them to their natural environment.

I'll even go out on a limb here: not all of the blacks need to be relocated. We all know of an African who has assimilated and joined our country and culture and are productive members of society. Let them stay if they want. These exceptions merely prove the rule that any attempt to salvage the others is a waste of time and money.

This argument can equally be applied to the any other would be immigrant group as well.

Enough is enough!

Permission to reuse, print, submit, in whole or in part to further the author's ideas and aims is freely given.

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