Hundreds of thousands of citizens considered whether or not Obama was the anti-Christ as soon as he became a candidate for president. For a variety of reasons, most people decided that while he was obviously an anti-Christ in ideology and belief, that he wasn't the actual anti-Christ that was written about in the Bible. His statements were evil and people with IQs in the triple digits couldn't figure out how anyone could be so incredibly stupid as to think that he was anything other than that which he said he was. Years later, people claimed that they were lied to or tricked, but in fact, Obama said all along that he wanted big government, higher taxes, that he hated free enterprise, and that he was the biggest racist of all time.
I know for a fact that many people in my church voted for Obama and I began to ask why these people were not excommunicated from the church? Personally, I do not think it is possible to be a Christian and a democrat, let alone voting for the most evil, Christ hating, Muslim of all time that probably wasn't even an American citizen.
There are several things that all democrats believe in, that are written, documented points in the democratic national platform, that are evil and anti-Christ. Abortion is completely against the teachings of Jesus Christ and anyone saying otherwise is simply a liar. The parable of the talents proves that Jesus Christ believes that free enterprise is a very good and Christ-like thing. In fact, freedom seems to be the sole purpose of our existence on earth; our ability to prove ourselves as a matter of personal choice in all things.
The democratic party has proved to be based on Satanic principles, having no morals, and willing to stoop to any low and tell any lie, in order to pervert the will of God.
The world is divided into 2 very distinct groups with the sides having polar opposites in ideology and one side led by Satan and the other by Jesus. It simply is not possible for a democrat to be a Christian. He may lie as does Obama, but their actions speak far louder than their words. There is not a single Christ-like behavior, attitude, or ideology in the democratic platform. When a democrat speaks, it is the same as if Lucifer were speaking himself.
Would you let your daughter or grand daughter play with Lucifer unattended? Then why would you let a child play with a democrat? All democrats belong to Lucifer's church and are in fact, Luciferians. It is not possible for a democrat to be a good person. Many people think blacks are bad because up to 90% of them are democrat. It has nothing to do with the color of their skin. It has to do with their evil attitude that stealing is okay. Clearly some blacks are not evil and are in fact Christians. However, there is no possible way that any democrat is a good person in any way, shape, or form. Like Obama, all democrats will tell a truth in order to get over on their big lie, but a Christian would not be caught dead as a democrat because there is no defense to being pure evil through and through.
Perhaps a hundred years ago, it was possible for a democrat to be a good person. This was before Satan (the democratic party) changed the meanings of words. It is no longer to tell the truth and be politically correct. Gay is now a sodomizer. Killing children is simply a matter of convenience. And while Christ told everyone to be armed and stay armed, and even kill if necessary in order to stay armed, the democrats want to dis-arm people in order to enslave them. Pretty funny that the previous slaves are willing to kill free people in order to have mandatory enslavement. Democrat is synonymous with evil. Democrats are Satanists. Democrats are pure evil and any democrat that claims to be a Christian is a liar.
It might be easier to explain to God on judgement day why you killed a democrat, than why you befriended one. If you choose to let pure evil live, just remember that democrats will lie and can not be trusted. They will steal and even kill. Their goal is to take away your ability to defend yourself and to enslave you and your children and even grand children. In all cases, it is self defense to eliminate the greatest opponent to freedom since Lucifer himself.
ReplyDeleteThe apostle John said in Revelation 21:8...and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."
When John said; AND ALL LIARS, who was he referring to, could it be all who lie about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the gospel plan of salvation, and the truth of God's word?
John 8:31-44 So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him......44 You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
Obviously those Jews who had believed asked for a wavier from, once saved always saved, seeing that Jesus said they were of their father the devil. Even believers can be liars. They said Jesus had a demon(John 8:48).
The devil lied about God to Eve, Genesis 3:1-4....3.... God has said, 'You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die.' 4 The serpent said to the woman . "You will not surely die!
The devil is the father of ALL LIARS.
There are some today who say, in a manner of speaking. "You will not surely die." They say water immersion has absolutely nothing to do with forgiveness of sin and entering into the kingdom of God. (John 3:5 Jesus answered, Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Mark 16:15-16 And He said to them...16...has been baptized shall be saved....) There are many who say you do not have to be baptized in water to be saved or to enter the kingdom of God. They are in effect are saying you can reject the purpose of water baptism or reject baptism altogether because, "You will not surely die."
Is Jesus the liar or is it ones saying "You will not surely die?"
Can you get away with lying to God? Acts 5:3-5 But Peter said, "Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit.....4....You have not lied to men but to God." 5 And as he heard these words, Ananias fell down and breath his last...
Was Ananias included in the ALL LIARS group?
Are those who lie about the gospel included in the ALL LIARS CLUB? (Galatians 1:9 As we have said before,so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be be accursed!)
Jesus said the devil was the father of lies, but I doubt it was because the devil told Eve, she did not look fat in that fig leaf. The devil lied about God, he encourages others to lie about Jesus, he prompts men to lie about the the reliability of God's word by saying God's word has been mistranslated and cannot be trusted. The devil has convinced many to lie about the terms of pardon for sin.
When Jesus said "ALL LAIRS" will have their part in the lake of fire, WHO WAS HE TAKING ABOUT?
(All Scripture quotes from: NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE)
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