Sunday, June 30, 2013

Truth about black punk that attacked Zimmerman covered up by satanic media in effort to praise thair Luciferian Master

Jun 28, 2013 114 Comments Toro520
Martin Clan
Excerpted from The Last Refuge:
Ironically were it not for Frances Robles writing a Miami Herald article on March 26th 2012 an entire chain of events would not have taken place.
It was that Robles article, and the outlining of the Miami-Dade School Police Department’s report on a Trayvon Martin incident from October 2011, that kicked off an internal investigation by M-DSPD Police Chief Hurley against his own officers to find out who leaked the police report.
[Note: The Miami-Dade Public School System has its own Police force, and Chief, who report to the School Board and Superintendent - Not the Police Dept. The Police Chief is appointed by the School Superintendent, in this example, Alberto Carvalho]
October 2011
It was that M-DSPD internal affairs investigation which revealed in October 2011 Trayvon Martin was searched by School Resource Officer, Darryl Dunn. The search of Trayvon Martin’s backpack turned up at least 12 pcs of ladies jewelry, and a man’s watch, in addition to a flat head screwdriver described as “a burglary tool”.
When Trayvon was questioned about who owned the jewelry and where it came from, he claimed he was just holding it for a “friend”. A “friend” he would not name.
Later, after the police report was outlined in the Robles article, and despite Trayvon being suspended for the second time in a new school year, Martin family attorney, Benjamin Crump, said Trayvon’s dad, Tracy Martin, and Trayvon’s mom, Sybrina Fulton, did not know anything about the jewelry case.
It was only as a consequence of the M-DSPD internal affairs investigation that “why” they may not have known came to light.
Martin Clan 2
On October 21st 2011 a burglary took place a few blocks from Krop Senior High School where Trayvon Martin attended. The stolen property outlined in the Miami-Dade Police Report (PD111021-422483) matches the descriptive presented by SRO Dunn in his School Police report 2011-11477.
However, there was ONE big issue. SRO Dunn never filed a criminal report, nor opened a criminal investigation, surrounding the stolen jewelry. Instead, and as a result of pressure from M-DSPD Chief Hurley to avoid criminal reports for black male students, Dunn wrote up the jewelry as “found items”, and transferred them, along with the burglary tool, to the Miami-Dade Police property room where they sat on a shelf unassigned to anyone for investigation.
A separate report of “criminal Mischief” (T-08809) was filed for the additional issue of writing “WTF” on a school locker. [It was the search for the marker used to write the graffiti that led to the backpack search].
The school discipline, “suspension”, was attached to the graffiti and not the stolen jewelry.
oCTOBER 2011 - 1
The connections between the Police Burglary report and the School Report of “found items” were never made because the regular police detective in charge of the Burglary case had no idea the School Police Dept. had filed a “found items” report.
Two differing police departments, and the School Officer, Dunn, intentionally took the criminal element out of the equation – instead preferring “school discipline” and not “criminal adjudication”.
It was only when the M-DSPD Internal Affairs investigation kicked in, and six officers gave sworn affidavits, the manipulative scheme to improve criminal statistics within the School System were identified openly.
School Superintendent Alberto Carvalho gave his hire, Police Chief Hurley, instructions to reduce the criminal behavior of young black males. The chosen strategy between them, to insure optical success, was to stop using the Criminal Justice System to punish black student behavior. Instead they instructed the School Resource Officers to use school discipline in place of criminal justice.
Another approach was the use of The Baker Act, to quantify behaviors under health HIPPA law secrecy by assigning the students with psychological problems. This allowed them to again use school discipline and work around criminal reports.
Without the reports, the statistics would improve immensely;  And improve they did.
M-DSPD Media Advisory - Copy
The final approach, to insure no-one would find out about the manipulation, was to change the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for inter-agency information sharing.
This new SOP was outlined by a communications directive in 2010 forbidding the sharing of Miami-Dade School Police reports to outside agencies without redaction. Officers had to send any and all requests through the public information officer.
Hence, the furor of Chief Hurley when the Robles article hit the press and cited police reports – Hurley smelled a leaker and launched an investigation.
Ultimately the internal affairs investigation initiated by Hurley led to his own firing, because the officers questioned told the internal affairs investigators the truth of what was going on and outed the scheme.
One of the examples of this in action was the jewelry incident and Trayvon Martin – as accidentally outlined in the Herald report. But the Herald never knew their reporting had launched an internal affairs investigation which led to the collapse of the scheme.
Meanwhile the stolen jewelry from the burglary (PD111021-422483) was sitting on a shelf in the Property Room listed as (2011-11477 “found items) gathering dust.
Until we started digging, and the FOIA requests revealed not only the scheme, but the fact a victim was never made whole with the return of their items.
That is, until now. Keep reading

Monday, June 24, 2013

How to know for a certainty if your church is true, or just a collection plate for the preacher

Ever go to a church and hear something different that what you had heard at a previous church?  Wouldn't it be nice if there was an incredibly easy way to find out if a church was just a crock or the real deal?  Well, there is.

I was reading a blog about human genomes and it made reference to the fact that while blacks and whites share a majority of similar genes, there are some genes found in blacks that do not ever appear in whites.  So, I did a Google search of the name of the people on board Noah's Arc that were black.  I knew that there was at least one black on board the Arc, but wanted the rest of the story.

The search results proved to be very telling because there was not a single web page that I found that had the answer.  I did not check all hundred million results, however.  There is much speculation in the Google results about where blacks actually did come from including...
  • Blacks came from the curse of Ham
  • Noah and his family were all black
  • There were monkeys on board and someone had sex with one
  • The flood was only regional and blacks never got wet
  • There was no flood or Arc
  • Noah had a slave
  • Aliens brought blacks from a primitive planet to breed with humans
  • do your own search to find a thousand more...  
There is a correct answer.  I would tell you the answer, but that would ruin it.
There is a church that not only preaches the answer and backs it up with scriptural reference, but it is generally common knowledge among the congregation.

Attend a different brand of church every week until you find the answer.  The answer is not surprising.  What is surprising is the number of people that go to a church that does not know.  Especially blacks.  If I was black, I would want to know.  The church that knows has millions of members worldwide so hopefully you won't have to attend too many fake churches before you find the answer.


Tax Administration IG: IRS sent over $46 million in refunds to thousands of ‘unauthorized’ aliens at the same address in Atlanta

**Written by Doug Powers
Understatement of the decade: The 2012 Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration report that the maddening information below comes from is entitled “Substantial Changes Are Needed to the Individual Taxpayer Identification Number Program to Detect Fraudulent Applications.” Gee, ya don’t say:
( – The Internal Revenue Service sent 23,994 tax refunds worth a combined $46,378,040 to “unauthorized” alien workers who all used the same address in Atlanta, Ga., in 2011, according to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA).
That was not the only Atlanta address theoretically occupied by thousands of “unauthorized” alien workers receiving millions in federal tax refunds in 2011. In fact, according to a TIGTA audit report published last year, four of the top ten addresses to which the IRS sent thousands of tax refunds to “unauthorized” aliens were in Atlanta.
The IRS sent 11,284 refunds worth a combined $2,164,976 to unauthorized alien workers at a second Atlanta address; 3,608 worth $2,691,448 to a third; and 2,386 worth $1,232,943 to a fourth.
There’s a lot more to the story here if your stomach can take it. Taxpayers are being fleeced. Or maybe those were addresses where IRS workers went to pick up their annual bonus checks.
Atlanta must have some of the most exhausted and uninquisitive postal delivery people in the country, unless these were direct deposits.
Perhaps the most remarkable act of the IRS was this: It assigned 6,411 ITINs (Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers) to unauthorized aliens presumably using a single address in Morganton, North Carolina. According to the 2010 Census, there were only 16,681 people in Morganton. So, for the IRS to have been correct in issuing 6,411 ITINS to unauthorized aliens at a single address Morganton it would have meant that 38 percent of the town’s total population were unauthorized alien workers using a single address.
Also, the IRS sent 8,393 checks to a single bank account (via GWP
Meanwhile, if you made a single deposit of over $10,000 in cash into yourbank account, you would most likely have some Feds knocking on your door (if they were in a polite mood).
This IG report was published almost a year ago. Why isn’t this big news? Why aren’t we seeing any perp walks? Why are we surprised there aren’t mass firings over excessive Tea Party scrutiny when there is apparently fraud by the tens of millions going on with no consequence whatsoever?
**Written by Doug Powers

Thursday, June 20, 2013

We need more intolerance

Tolerance is something we can have toward people that want to do something that we do not like, but that has no adverse effect on anyone else.  For instance, if a fag wants to pack a willing participant's poop, I certainly don't want it anywhere around me, but if they do it behind closed doors and don't act queer around young impressionable children, than what I don't know or see probably won't hurt me.  

However, if a socialist is allowed to let any part of his aberrant ideology appear in a school setting, then I would favor the death penalty for that person.

If a nigger wants to pretend that rap is music and rap to himself in the shower, then again, it has no effect on me.  But, if his ignorant, rude, nasty, words and ideas are broadcast to my television without my subscribing to such trash, then I am offended.  If I am surfing channels and see an ugly nigger rapping about raping white women, then I would favor the death penalty for the rapper and every television or cable executive that authorized such trash to find it's way to my television.  

It is time for citizens to take the law into their own hands and enforce the Constitution.  We do not even need police.  We can all be police.  If we hear anyone speaking Spanish, we should ask them what the lunar lander was for and if they do not understand what we are talking about, they are here illegally, are a criminal, have been found guilty, and whether they have a fake social security card or not is no evidence on their behalf.  If they have an EBT card they are guilty of treason and anyone that lets them live beyond this point regardless of race is guilty of aiding and abetting a criminal.

Being politically correct is to agree with Satan that the truth should not be told.

When a person is tolerant, it is agreeing with the evil behavior or attitude simply by letting it exist.

Coulter: Avoid the Need for Spying Using One Not-So-Weird Trick

Ann Coulter 
Well, of course the government is spying on Americans! Look at the havoc caused by American citizens engaging in terrorism.There’s “American citizen” David Coleman Headley, who conspired with Pakistani military officers to commit the 2008 terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India, that left more than 160 people dead.
Headley’s ancestors served under Gen. George Washington — no, I’m sorry, Headley was born “Daood Sayed Gilani” in Washington, D.C., to a Pakistani father. Like your typical American boy, he enjoyed TV’s “Happy Days” and murdering innocent people in terrorist attacks.
There were the 20 “American” men from the Minneapolis area who joined a terrorist group in Somalia in 2008. I knew the Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party would cause trouble one of these days!
No, wait — wrong again. We invited these foreign terrorists to immigrate here after the collapse of Somalia’s government in 1991. (And what a great deal for America that was! I’m so glad Obama’s doing it again with Syrian rebels.)
These hardworking Somali immigrants produced — in the words of The New York Times — “the first known American suicide bomber”! Go U.S.A.! Who could have guessed that Shirwa Ahmed would be America’s first suicide bomber? (My money had been on a guy named “Jim Peterson.”)
In addition to the first suicide bomber, the other American citizens who joined the terrorist group included Cabdulaahi Ahmed Faarax, Abdiweli Yassin Isse and Mahamud Said Omar.
If you can’t trust “American citizen” Cabdulaahi Ahmed Faarax, what Americans can you trust these days? Or to quote Sen. Bob Casey, the mentally disabled Democratic senator from Pennsylvania: “It’s really disturbing — Americans becoming radicalized.”
Then there were the six “New Jersey men” who plotted a terrorist attack on the Fort Dix military base in 2007. Using rocket-propelled grenade launchers, they estimated they could kill at least 100 soldiers.
Chris Christie, then the U.S. attorney for New Jersey, said surveillance tapes showed the men watching videos of Americans being killed in Afghanistan.“(T)hey watched the blowing off of the arm of a United States Marine and the room burst out into laughter,” Christie said. “These are the types of people we are dealing with.”
The New Jersey men were named Mohamad Shnewer, Serdar Tatar, Agron Abdullahu, Dritan Duka, Eljvir Duka and Shain Duka. Four were from the former Yugoslavia, one was from Turkey and one was from Jordan. All were illegal aliens.
But we needed them! As Marco Rubio’s staff recently told The New Yorker, American workers “can’t cut it.”
If the government can spy on Cherry Hill’s Mohamad Shnewer, how can we draw the line at Fox News’ James Rosen and CBS News’ Sharyl Attkisson?
Then there’s “American citizen” Maj. Nidal Hasan, who is still collecting his handsome military salary — up to nearly $300,000 by now — since being accused of a terrorist attack on Fort Hood that left 13 dead and dozens wounded.
And don’t forget “American citizen” Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, accused of conspiring with his brother to bomb the Boston Marathon earlier this year.
My favorite “American citizen” is Najibullah Zazi, arrested in 2009 for plotting to bomb the New York subways. Zazi was born into a tribe in eastern Afghanistan and came to America in his teens. His ticket to entry was his father, whose ticket was, in turn, a brother living in Queens.
(We have no room for Scottish bankers because we have to make room for entire villages of illiterates from Afghanistan, thanks to Teddy Kennedy’s 1965 Immigration Act.)
Zazi’s own step-uncle described him as “a dumb kid, believe me,” according to The New York Times. (Sorry, Scottish bankers — that’s our immigration law!)
He dropped out of high school and had an arranged marriage to his cousin in Pakistan. So Zazi is another big immigrant success story.
Forget the recent Muslim immigration problem. Virtually all enemies to America have been foreigners. The only known Italian traitors in U.S. history were anarchist terrorists Sacco and Vanzetti: immigrants.
Reading the amazing new book, Stalin’s Secret Agents: The Subversion of Roosevelt’s Government by M. Stanton Evans and Herb Romerstein, one can’t help but notice that J. Edgar Hoover’s job would have been a lot easier if our immigration service had been doing its job. A shockingly high percentage of the communist spies were immigrants. This is all the more striking considering that there weren’t that many immigrants getting in at all back then.
Even the commies didn’t want to overthrow the United States as such — only to support Moscow. Otherwise, they’d have just kept voting Democrat and gotten there a little more slowly.
That’s why the National Security Act of 1947, creating the CIA, expressly prohibited the agency from engaging in domestic operations. Now we have to spy on Americans because of all the imported Tsarnaevs and Zazis. We have created two huge problems where none existed before — domestic terrorism and government spying — all to help the Democrats win elections by changing the electorate.
Not only do our post-1965 immigration policies create an unemployment problem, not only have they massively increased the crime rate, but now all Americans are being asked to give up their civil liberties to fulfill Teddy Kennedy’s dream of bringing the entire Third World to live right here in America. (And vote Democrat!)
When we’re referring to “American citizen Anwar al-Awlaki” — provoking Rand Paul to carry on for 13 hours about Obama killing an “American citizen” with a drone — the phrase “American citizen” has lost its essential meaning. We don’t have a drone problem. We don’t have a spying problem. We have an immigration problem.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Amnesty Mob vs. America or (Satan vs America)

By Michelle Malkin  •  June 19, 2013 08:44 AM
The Amnesty Mob vs. America
by Michelle Malkin
Creators Syndicate
Copyright 2013
You can try to put “conservative” lipstick on the lawless amnesty mob. In the end, however, it’s still a lawless mob. The big government/big business alliance to protect illegal immigration got a lot of mileage using foolish Republicans Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan as front men. But the true colors of the open-borders grievance-mongers always show through.
After America said no to a pork-filled security-undermining amnesty bill in 2007, the No Illegal Alien Left Behind lobbyists changed their overtly thuggish tactics. They put down their upside-down American flags, stopped wearing their commie Che Guevara T-shirts and cloaked their radical reconquista aspirations in the less divisive rhetoric of “reform” and “opportunity.”
It was all just an act, of course. Inevitably, the mask has slipped. Over the weekend, illegal alien protesters descended on the private residence of Kansas Secretary of State and immigration enforcement lawyer Kris Kobach. As reported on Saturday, 300 amnesty activists marched into Kobach’s neighborhood and barged up his driveway and right onto his doorstep. It’s how the Alinskyite “community organizers” roll.
Shouting into a bullhorn and waving their fists from his front porch, the property rights-invaders dubbed Kobach “King of Hate” for his work representing border security activists and federal customs enforcement agents who are fighting the systemic sabotage of immigration law. Thankfully, Kobach, his wife and their four young daughters were not home at the time. (See The Right Scoop for interview with Kobach on Hannity.)
But the aggrieved amnesty demanders are not done yet. And Kobach is not the only one in their crosshairs.
After tea party activist turned Kansas state representative Amanda Grosserode condemned the mob action publicly on Facebook, racist insults and threats littered her page. Roberto Medina Ramirez wrote: “I’ll give her something to be disgusted about!” Doris Lynn Crouse Gent chimed in: “OMG! Maybe her drive should be next.” Matt S. Bashaw echoed the call: “Maybe her house should be next.” Facebook user Jude Robinson also ranted on Grosserode’s page: “Since Kobach steals taxpayer money spreading hate around the country, he deserves what he gets.”
Dennis Paul Romero left this message for Grosserode: “(N)azi kkk and she is proud of it.” A user writing as “Paul-says Fckmarkzuck” left death threats under Romero’s comment: “Gotta start killing all the Nazis. Politicans (sic), bankers, and priests. Cops, lawyers, and Judges. ASAP.” The same user added: “Just another b*tch that needs to die off already.” (Note: Many of these comments have now been deleted. Trying to cover their tracks.)
The radicals of Occupy Kansas posted an inflammatory photo of Grosserode with the race-baiting caption: “Kansas State legislator Amanda Grosserode says she is ‘disgusted’ by Hispanic protesters.” Grosserode wasn’t disgusted by their ethnicity. She was disgusted by their actions. No matter. Race/ethnic card: activated.
Gina Long pounced: “(S)he is stupid and doesn’t like brown people.” So did Diana Bauer: “Ah, poor Ms Grosserode; sorry that you find our Constitution so difficult to stomach. Or is it only whites that have the right to freedom of speech.” One Lupe Ramirez left his own message for Grosserode: “We are starting our fundraising and campaign to unseat you. Do you not realize how many Hispanics are in Kansas. You no longer live in Dorothy’s Kansas. You cannot represent your state, you don’t even know who they are.”
Grosserode isn’t backing down. She told me Tuesday that she will remain “vigilant” and has given local law enforcement a heads-up. The conservative mom and lawmaker notes sadly that “there are some who would say that when you are in elected office that you should expect this kind of thing. I would disagree. No one deserves threats nor threats to their home and family.”
But the amnesty vigilantes have no respect for borders, let alone private front porches, in their quest for another massive federal illegal alien bailout. They have no respect for law-abiding U.S. workers. They have no respect for law-abiding foreigners applying to get into our country the right and proper way.
As they besiege Capitol Hill this month demanding more rights and payoffs, take note: These groups do not stand for the American dream. They are a nightmare conglomeration of George Soros-funded social justice operatives, transnationalists and La Raza militants who detest U.S. sovereignty.National People’s Action, which spearheads progressive “direct actions” at the private homes of their political foes and led the march on Kobach’s home, is a “community organizing” nonprofit based in — you guessed it — Chicago.
NPA’s past shakedowns have involved busing in protesters and schoolchildren (using public school buses) to invade the private property of their victims and intimidate their families. They relish their brass knuckles with this anthem:
Who’s on your hit list NPA?
Who’s on your hit list for today?
Take no prisoner, take no names.
Kick ‘em in the (a–) when they play their games.
As I first reported in 2004, NPA is funded by the Tides Foundation, the Ben and Jerry’s Foundation, and the MacArthur, Ford and Rockefeller foundations. It’s also funded by your tax dollars. My research found that the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Massachusetts Department of Education had all given tens of thousands of dollars in grants to NPA members for left-wing activism, identity politics and illegal alien benefits.
Rubio, Ryan and other Republicans who’ve made common cause with these welfare-state goons have betrayed fundamental principles of limited government and the rule of law. They’ve allied themselves with the mob. There’s nothing, not one thing, “conservative” about mass illegal alien amnesty. It’s the complete Chicago-ization of America.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Obama phones, guns to non-citizens, African jewelry, among reasons blacks love Obama

Does the cost of Obama's travel to Africa have any benefit to America? 

Concern Over Changes to Home Storage Centers Unnecessary

Over the past several weeks, misinformation and unnecessary concern has been circulating on blogs, over social media channels and by email regarding changes in operations at the Church’s home storage centers, which are located in the U.S. and Canada. No home storage centers are being closed, but the Church is making welcomed modifications in its operations at most of these centers that will help to better serve the needs of members of the Church, as well as significantly improve efficiency.
In all but 12 of the Church’s 101 home storage centers in the U.S. and Canada, patrons will no longer self-can products, but they may purchase these same items pre-canned or prepackaged at no additional cost.
These changes have been considered for some time as the Church has looked at the best way to provide home storage goods to Church members efficiently. Much of the discussion regarding this issue has suggested that this change is due to food safety regulation. While it has been a factor, the concern expressed regarding that issue has been overstated.
While many individuals have enjoyed self-canning at the Church’s home storage centers, the advantages of providing pre-canned or prepackaged goods include:
  • It’s more efficient and cost effective for the Church to produce and ship high-quality, pre-canned or prepackaged goods in bulk rather than ship the same goods and empty cans to a location where individuals can them on their own.
  • By offering the goods pre-canned or prepackaged, the Church utilizes less warehouse space.
  • Pre-canned and prepackaged operations allow for higher quality and safer preparation of home storage food.
  • It is much more costly to maintain and upgrade facilities that must meet food production standards (such as in a self-canning operation) than it is to maintain a facility that simply distributes pre-canned and prepackaged food. 
  • Volunteer personnel time can be used more efficiently.
The following 12 home storage centers will continue to offer self-canning for the time being as the Church continues to monitor the goods and services offered at home storage centers and makes adjustments as needed:
  • Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
  • Mesa, Arizona
  • Boise, Idaho                                                     
  • Idaho Falls, Idaho
  • Carrollton, Texas
  • Lindon, Utah
  • Logan, Utah
  • Ogden, Utah
  • Salt Lake City, Utah (Welfare Square)
  • Sandy, Utah
  • Springville, Utah
  • St. George, Utah
The remaining 89 centers will provide pre-canned goods. A list of all home storage centers is availablehere.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Why blacks love Obama

This video shows exactly what the average black is taught before they are 5 years old and why it is not necessary for jungle bunnies to get an education.

Easily Prevent Cancer

Cancer is caused by a Vitamin Deficiency, and the Cancer Industry knows it?

The Nitrilosides Vitamin B17 Laetrile Amygdalin

When I worked with University of Texas Doctors at the Houston Medical Center, within walking distance to M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, I was told that if the world Laetrile came out of my mouth, I would be fired.

When I worked for the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, I was again told that if the world Laetrile came out of my mouth, I would be fired.

I only recently found out what the “drug” Laetrile actually is.

When I was a child the Media Mafia called Laetrile the most controversial cancer drug of all time, but never explained that it is not in fact a drug; it is rather a refined version of a naturally occurring vitamin, which is called B17.

Vitamin B17 is one of a group of substances that are called the Nitrilosides.
In areas of the world were Nitrilosides are consumed in the diet, Cancer does not exist.

In areas where Nitrilosides are absent from the diet, Cancer exists.

This is a fact which the Medical Mafia has been aware of for decades, while the Cancer Industry remains one of the most profitable industries in the White Western World.

When I was a child, there was a very solid campaign in the Federal School System to indoctrinate us school children that we must not eat apple seeds. Our parents and our grandparents ate apple seeds, but we must become the first generation to not eat apple seeds.

Have you already guessed that apple seeds contain Nitrilosides?

Besides apple seeds, the very hard to get at peach and apricot seeds contain even more Nitrilosides than apple seeds.

It is difficult to break open a peach pit, but the seed inside looks and tastes a bit like an almond. Some of the peach seeds I have eaten did have a bitter taste, but many just tasted like an almond.

Cancer prevention is much better than Cancer treatments, and the prevention is free, if you have been throwing away your apple seeds, peach seeds, and apricot seeds, just like the Federal School System told us to.

- submitted by: 14 words of truth