Friday, November 2, 2012

God smokes NY and NJ - Hopefully CA next?

For years the people of New York have worshiped Satan.  They banned hand guns and promoted labor unions.  They catered to the lazy black people.  They voted in Luciferian politicians.  Everything they did was evil.

When God lets the Muslims attack, they choose the most anti-Christ state and city.  

Now that New York is such a Hell Hole, a storm is sent to wise up the dumb asses.  The niggers loot and pilfer as the TV cameras look the other way, both to prove their loyalty to their Master, Satan, and also because they don't want Christian towns to see the truth about niggers.

Well, big deal.  The world would be a better place if New York was pulverized.  God doesn't let that happen though because there are over a dozen good people in the entire state.  So the evil, democrat, socialistic, queer loving, abortion happy, union member, nigger lovers get smoked for the entertainment of the righteous.

So Boo Hoo to the many more people that we hope get killed in New York, but what about a preview of coming attractions?

Imagine the joy when the Hollywood elite get smoked.  They don't believe in God so they will have to hold a sausage party at the local queer joint for comfort.  The rest of us can Praise God as it is about time the queers get their due. 

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