Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Why anti-Christ, devil worshippers, and liberals hate labels

Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone had a label right on their shirt?  Life would be grand!  We would know right away if the person was a child molester, bank robber, raper, liberal, muslim, or whatever.

Breeds of humans, like breeds of dogs, have different capabilities that are genetically impossible to ignore.  You probably won't find many poodles as police or attack dogs.  Likewise, with humans, you do not expect a Mexican to invent anything.  On the other hand, Mexicans make extremely good workers, and are often found harvesting fruits and vegetables.

Satanists are against freedom.  Christians are for freedom.  The only real difference between Jesus and Lucifer is their view on free agency.  The followers of Jesus opted for freedom of choice.  The followers of Lucifer opted for a safety net so that there would be no failure, but everyone would succeed in returning to heaven.  Lucifer could best be described as a democrat, liberal, or for having more hatred for freedom than any entity in the universe.  These are the facts, and anyone with a different point of view is either a liar or incredibly stupid, or both.   

Satanists, or Lucifarians do not want us to label things as they really are because normal people would be offended and the spread of Marxism, socialism, communism, Satanism, etc. would not be as easy.  Normally, a person would not intentionally drink from a bottle labeled "poison."  Although in the case of cigarettes, the label is often ignored.  Who would become an alcoholic if the label on the bottle said "will destroy your relationships, make you act like an idiot, destroy brain cells, and harm your unborn child?"   Now when "whores" (another label) want to murder their unborn children, the Lucifarian at Planned Parenthood do not let the young mother seen the face of the unborn child or even an ultra-sound.  The girl is told that she has "freedom of choice" and she is simply eliminating a fetus.  Some evil, liar, bitch, told the girl that the fetus is part of her body and therefore she can cut it out if she wants.  The truth is that women do not have a penis and so a male child is not a part of the woman's body but a body of it's own.  By labeling the murder as an option, it sounds so much better.

Democrats change the meaning of words and especially labels.  For instance, most universities have an area set aside where people can practice "free speech."  People with brains or people that are not inherently evil want freedom of speech everywhere, not in a small fenced off area. 

Labels are a wonderful thing and anyone that doesn't like labels is by definition "evil."  We learned as children that sticks and stones can break our bones but words can never hurt us.  This is 100% true but evil people don't want us to label things the way they actually are because it will make the spread of evil more difficult.

We all know for a certainty that Muslims are the only ones that hijack airplanes.  Of course, if we only profile towel heads, the Muslims will hire a different idealogy to do their evil work.  Even so, a normal person will be more alert if seated next to a Muslim on an aircraft.

Evil people hate individualism.  They want every child in school to be equal.  If a smart kid does extremely well and never has homework, he is not encouraged.  If an illegal alien that can't even speak the language, lets stinky taco farts and waves a Mexican flag, he is passed to the next grade even though he is not as smart as a first grader.

Some of us are pretty or handsome.  Some of us are flat ugly.  Equality is stupid to even think about.  Yet liberals want the government to make everyone equal.  This is totally against God and Nature.  Should pretty people be required to slash their face with a knife to leave a nasty scar?  This is precisely what taking rich peoples money to give to the lazy is all about. 

Black people when left to their own devices as is the case in Africa, have many limitations.  Every medical student knows for a fact that black brains weigh less and are smaller.  SAT scores have proven that black people are simply not as smart.  Anyone that denies this should go commit suicide immediately because we have enough idiots on this earth already.  So the government comes up with different scores and in many cases, simply gives a waiver or exemption to blacks.  

So in every case, 100% of the time, when a moron doesn't like labels it is because they do not like their own label.  Maybe their father is a child molester.  Or maybe one of their daughters is a whore.  Or maybe they have the label of lazy, uneducated, drunkard, pot head, liberal bitch.  

Just imagine how much better life would be if everyone had labels.  There would never be fraud or scams because their label would be scammer or fraudster or liar, etc.  

There are only 2 types of people on this earth.  Good and evil.  Good people are willing to get a job and work for things.  Evil people want welfare, food stamps, etc.  Sometimes good people have hard times and need help but this should be from people that volunteer to help like churches, family, and friends.  Anytime I am forced to be charitable, I want to go kill someone in the government that took away my freedom to choose who I will help.

Obama Care is evil because it forces and takes away freedom.  Why should healthy people be forced to pay medical bills for alcoholic, obese, drug addicted, idiots?  

So, every time some jerk wants to take away your freedom, remember that if you kill them, it is in self defense and a good thing.  When someone wants us to eliminate labels so we will not know what things really are, we should recommend that these people do the world a favor and kill themselves as soon as possible.  

Just like women libbers are obese, ugly, stinky women that no man would ever want anyway, so too are liberals that want to remove labels evil, satanic, freaks that are simply a disgrace to the human race.

Remember that calling a fag or queer a gay does not make the person any less a freak.  Changing words to mean something else is simply evil.  When evil people call abortion a freedom of choice, it is no less premeditated murder of a child.

So lets hope all liberals commit suicide tonight and have a wonderful life with lots of labels.

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