Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Is it possible for a Democrat to be a good person?

There was a time when the democratic platform could be perceived as a party of the people.  It was always a lie, but there have always been stupid people that do not deserve freedom.  In fact, millions of people actually prefer slavery.  It has always been that way.  Even before the Earth was created, there were billions of intelligent spirits that chose Lucifer's plan of rebellion, protests, organized labor, socialism, something for nothing plans including food stamps, welfare, etc., instead of the freedom to choose as outlined by Jehova, even though freedom of choice meant living with the consequences of one's choice.

Jesus Christ's plan for us to obtain a body and have complete freedom of choice in all areas created a war between freedom lovers and slave enjoyers.  

When the United States Constitution was drafted, it was intended that this country would be a unique form of government never before tried, a constitutional Republic and was never intended to be a democracy, since there has never been a successful democracy in the history of the earth.

Basically, there are two types of people; freedom lovers and those that prefer to be slaves to a government that will make their decisions for them.

One way to tell if a church is evil or good is the political belief of the pastor, or leader.  

Democrats are by definition evil.  Sometimes a person claims to be a democrat because their parents were or because they don't know any better, having never studied what it actually meant.  

Once a person claims to be a democrat, after studying what that actually means, they have joined a Satanic Cult with pre-mortal origins.  Like Satan, they believe in their platform and it is a part of who they are.  It is more ingrained than their DNA.  It is their very soul.  They are evil and can never be changed.  Like an ant can never be a dinosaur, a democrat can never be a good person.

Democrats make poor parents and pass their beliefs on to their children.  They lie and deceive at every opportunity and will use force and intimidation like a union's demands against an employer.  

There can be good and bad people in every race or color.  But it is not physically possible for a democrat to be a good person.  A democrat may do something good, but no amount of good that any democrat can ever do in an entire lifetime, can ever make up for the fact that they despise freedom.

If a person is angry enough to kill someone, they can kill a democrat and be guaranteed that even a random killing can be a benefit to society.  Killing a Mexican in the hopes of eliminating an illegal alien on the other hand does not offer the same 100% certainty that the person deserved to be killed that killing a democrat offers.  Killing a democrat is always a good thing.


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