The primary difference between Jesus and Satan is personal freedom or free agency.
When Lucifer suggested that he would create a nanny state where people would be equal and not able to fail, as a result of welfare, food stamps, labor unions, affirmative action, ObamaCare, no child left behind, and other social engineering, God kicked him out of heaven forever with no chance of ever getting a body and never even a chance to repent. This is how important God felt it is to be able to fail.
Jesus suggested that he would inspire the Constitution to guarantee freedom against socialism and allow a promised land to be an example to the entire world.
As a result of this, I wondered how the LDS Church could allow progressive liberals to receive a Temple Recommend when the entire democratic platform is anti-Christ. I emailed Salt Lake for an answer. The response I received stated that as the harvest nears, the tares are allowed to grow with the wheat.
The Parable of the Tares is worth reading if you are not familiar with it.
This answers the question of why people are not excommunicated after voting for Obama. Since Obama made no secret of the fact that he is socialist, and LDS President David O. McKay among others stated that socialism is a tool of the devil, there are few if any actions that a human can make that is more anti-Christ than voting for Obama. If a person commits murder the people affected are the family and descendants and lack of future descendants. However, when a person votes for a democrat, they intend to destroy an entire nation.
Many of the Tares or weeds are Christians of every denomination. Of the LDS variety, there may be Bishops and Stake Presidents. According to the parable, the tares will be destroyed before the harvest. Since these people believe in a nanny state where a government thinks and makes decisions for them, they would never be happy in heaven where everyone places freedom of choice above all else. Freedom not to be belted into an accident, freedom for all to participate in second amendment, freedom to not have insurance, freedom to kill in self defense, freedom not to require any licenses of any kind, etc. Therefore, there won't be any liberals in heaven. The liberals will go to the great nanny state administered by their leader of choice, Satan.
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