Sunday, November 16, 2014

Are all races the same to God?

originally posted at

The plan for salvation was and is a very complex matter. Aside from the plan itself, the circumstances for every individual are unique. Each spirit in the pre-mortal world was in a unique state of advancement and each spirit had a unique belief system. Regardless of where a spirit was in relationship to other spirits, the mortal world must be a custom fit for each spirit and take into account the progression or lack thereof of each individual spirit.

Upon entering mortality, each spirit would be placed in circumstances that fit his or her individual state of progression, but also a custom fit of obstacles and tests that would allow each individual spirit the unique set of circumstances that would best build upon the existing qualities and place circumstances in their path to best grow the areas that may need enhancement. This is an infinitely complex school that fully exploits existing knowledge and prepares the spirit for advancement in the areas that only mortality could provide.

To say that God treats each person the same would be incredibly stupid. Mortality is a school and every school has different grades and different levels of achievement in each grade and each student is unique. The school is designed to maximize the learning of each student and in order to be fair, must treat every student different depending on the unique needs of each individual student. Surely if God treated everyone the same, the whole plan would be a farce and be 100% Satanic instead of 100% Christ-like.

Only Satan and his followers are politically correct or treat everyone the same. The United States Constitution states that all men are created equal under the law, and rightly so. The speed limit applies the same to a negro as a white man.

Adam and Eve were of the same race. White and delightsome. As people's behavior changed, so did their circumstances. When Cain killed Abel, Cain's behavior produced a different set of circumstances for certain spirits to be born into. Building the Tower of Babel and the resulting creation of multiple races, introduced an additional infinite set of circumstances for spirits to be born into. One thing that can not be disputed is that every individual was unique and was treated accordingly.

Satan could cause dissent by convincing people that they were the same as someone else or that they should be treated the same or that they should be entitled to the same possessions even though they had not earned them.

In nature and with God, no two people are ever equal, not even identical twins. Only Satan and his followers are evil enough to believe otherwise.

In fact, God rewards those that excel and punishes those that are disobedient. The same is true of all loving parents. To suggest otherwise is evil.

But just because God has a chosen people, does not mean that those not chosen can not become chosen or likewise excel. People are not equal. Opportunity is equal, however. When a man passes his examination to become a doctor, he become chosen for that profession. Likewise, anyone else that passes that same test can achieve the same status as a result. It is earned. Not given to the undeserving like socialism or Satanism.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

H1N1 virus confirmed at Duchesne High School

Duchesne High School has reported that at least one student has been confirmed with the deadly H1N1 virus.  The virus which originated in Mexico may have spread through the massive influx of illegal aliens into the NE Utah community to get welfare and food stamps and obtain work in the oilfields in order to funnel money out of the United States into Mexico.  
Stan Young, the school principal has been unavailable for comment over the weekend.  The school notified parents of the potential threat to their children via an automated system which calls hundreds of numbers at the same time and delivers a message.  Normally, the system is used to get parents to donate more money to the school after the administration has exhausted normal channels to raise money.  This time however, the message was more ominous with the realization that at least one student could potentially cause the death of another student.  

H1H1 is a swine flu that somehow mutated to be able to transmit to humans.  It normally is not fatal except to the immune suppressed, the elderly, and the very young.  There are students at the school that are immune suppressed in order for their bodies to not reject an organ that has been transplanted in order to save their life.  For these students, the infected student is an attempted murderer.  

The school has not yet released the name of the infected student or even the race of the student so that people at risk can save their own lives by avoiding contact with the infected.  The local newspaper has a tendency to not report even the outbreak, let alone anything about it.  The newspaper actually refused to report that the school was dropping children off at a location out in the desert, miles from the closest home, in the weather, and with no shelter.  Sometimes children walk several miles if their parents can't pick them up for some reason.  

Some say the County is ripe for a lawsuit.  They were ordered by the Court to pay $3.5 million last year in a discrimination case.